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Once Again It Is Everyone's Fault Except Their Own.

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anotheoldgit | 15:06 Mon 20th May 2013 | News
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I suppose it is every mother's wish to protect her own, but in this case shouldn't she be condemning her brood for what they did to these young girls?



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mikey -that's very true. But this thread IS about the gangs of convicted undesirables in the UK - including those in Rochdale - most of which are Muslim.
Sir are correct and the Muslim community need to get their head around the fact they there have been so many instances of this horrible crime within their own ranks. It is going to be very difficult for them but they to have a debate on this issue, otherwise it will cloud race relations for years to come.

But just as not all Catholics were responsible for the IRA atrocities, not all child sexual assaults are committed by convenient foreigners. The racists in Britain will always seize upon the slightest reason to conflate issues. Not that I am accusing you or anybody else of doing so, here on AB.
some were in care homes, so what were the carers doing all that time.
they are not convenient foreigners, they live here, many born here, so how are they foreigners. It's the mentality that pisses me off, that young white girls are fair game, it's a vile business, and some in their community have been turning a blind eye for a long time, not to mention the stupid police, and social services, who's apologies must seem like ash. The men will get out and what then, they won't be sent elsewhere if they are British citizens, who is to say they won't carry on where they left off.

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