If ever there was a story with the tag line " Buy tomorrow's edition for the next exciting development" this is it. Will the Prime Minister be freed from his binding to the railway track by the evil villain before the locomotive arrives? Does eating cause cancer? Buy now, for next week's instalment in your fearless Daily Mail,the paper that sells [Should this be 'tells' ? Ed.] truth as we imagine it is !
What legal reasons ? Libel, because claims of sex or adultery are libellous in the absence of any proof, or at all ? The DM must have got good lawyers; neither claim is necessarily libellous. Because there is some 'super injunction' preventing the publication of the fact there is an injunction (DM, do try to keep up; these are ineffectual in the end but, in any case, are no longer acceptable to judges). If the latter, why is the DM giving any details at all ?