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/// I don't know how old the objectors are - but they do seem to see it as a form of sex education - and, of course, it simply isn't. Little children just don't think the same way. ///
*** There is evidence that giving young children access to picture books that show gay and lesbian characters in a good light can have “positive benefits” and promote equality, it is claimed. ***
*** “Part of that aim could include increasing the availability of LGBT literature to educators,” he said. ***
*** The union has designed lessons using such books that are being used in schools Norfolk, Portsmouth, London and Nottingham. It recommends books such as Bill's New Frock, The Boy With Pink Hair, William's Doll, The Different Dragon, Girls Are Best and Dogs Don't Do Ballet. ***
Seems like a form of sex education (ie education of a person's sex) to me, and anyone else who is at all "Knowledgeable".