Indeed TTT, I don't know how often they get fog there but we had some here this morning and no one had lights on that I could see, also there was a crash at the top of the road, don't know what caused it though, but makes you wonder.
I hope that everyone recovers well that's been involved.
However, the speed limit makes no difference, as it would only be 80 if safe to do so. Clearly, it wouldn't be safe in those circumstances. The problem is people driving too close together, so they cannot stop in the space they can see.
I think there might have been clusters of fog, one lot crashed, then another lot was able to stop, then another lot crashed behind them, still it boils down to driving to close whatever way you look at it.
I too am glad there are no fatalities, but it beggars belief the way some people drive in adverse weather conditions, no lights, too fast, and too close. When oh when will people learn?
I think issues such as appropriate speed, stopping distance and generally driving to the conditions of the road could be a factor, the fact that there is a general speed limit, stopping distance etc... doesn't mean it is appropriate in all conditions such as if there was fog where visibility is reduced.
It reminds me of that other awful incident on the M5 a couple of years ago.
I had two women in 4*4 d*ck extensions with hordes of kids nearly have me of my Bandit this morning (in a 2 mile drive!). One woman thought she was perfectly in her right to just pull out of a junction without stopping. Unbelievable.
Happens every time there is fog , especially after a long hot spell as now. People are just not prepared for it and do not slow down, just keep on at 70 mph.
134 cars at the last count.