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Sweden Grants Blanket Asylum To Syrian Refugees

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AB Editor | 08:39 Fri 06th Sep 2013 | News
71 Answers
Sweden grants blanket asylum to Syrian refugees:

"“All Syrian asylum seekers who apply for asylum in Sweden will get it,” said Annie Hoernblad, the spokesperson for Sweden’s migration agency"

"Those granted permanent status will also be allowed to bring their families to Sweden."

Do we have the compassion of the Swedes in our fair country?


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Mikey, I suggest you withdraw your comment.
On your suggestion Ed , I will gladly withdraw my comments. Everybody is entitled to a view, even if I think it is stupid, as long as such views are made politely. I hope you will deal with everybody else who uses intemperate language here on AB with similar zeal, as indeed you have done in the past.
UK population 62 million, average density 661 per square mile .
Area 94,000 square miles.
Sweden population 9 million density 21 per square mile.
Area 174,000 square miles.

So Sweden is almost twice our size and one sixth of our population.
They have been trying to increase their population for many years. Thousands of Asians are and were recruited to man their factories.

It's not a question of compassion for the Syrians, they just want their labour.
yes all very well and philanthropic. However, to claim asylum in a country, you first have to get to that country. How do people with no jobs, no posessions and no home (except a tent) and in some cases no food or water get from the middle east to Sweden?
Sweden obviously hasnt learnt a lesson from the recent riots in immigrant areas.

Sadly they will also come to rue large scale immigration and see it for the blight it is.

and i thought the we were the only mugs
"Everybody is entitled to a view, even if I think it is stupid, as long as such views are made politely. I hope you will deal with everybody else who uses intemperate language here on AB with similar zeal..."
Intemperate outbursts, rudeness and rant are part of the pleasure of AB, aren't they, especially that section of it with the archly deceptive name Religion and Spirituality? To quote someone or other: "Main purpose of visit".
My friends told me that it was quite common for Swedish people to adopt orphans from other countries.

Oh look Mikey ! from your avatar you seem to have adopted two young members of the EDL.

I am not sure if I want a large Islamic minority in this country (near me) because they do things like chop off hands and stone people....
And you know- as a libertarian I am not keen on that sort of thing.

Can a country be 'full' with respect to Islamic fundamentalists and not be full of millionaire pholanthropists ?
It's interesting that mikey get's a chance to withdraw his comment but the KDs generally just get banned. This thread demonstrates the sheer intolerance of people like mikey. Yes by his definition I'm a KD but notice who has used the defamatory terms on this thread.
O TTT - I know lots of knuckle-draggers and they are all quite sweet.
Its interesting that you spell the word with a hyphen. Myself, I prefer it without. But I guess that is what is meant by disagreeing politely !

If only life was that simple.
"It's interesting that mikey get's a chance to withdraw his comment but the KDs generally just get banned

nothing new on here, there seem to be a select few that have their own set of rules here and get what can only be classed as special least thats how it appears to be
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There are ways and means Mickey!

No need to withdraw your comment as far as I am concerned, if you feel that way fine.

But just remember to accept it back!!
a brave decision, i have every sympathy for displaced peoples, but how could Sweden or anywhere for that matter cope if hundreds of thousands or more decided to take up the offer. Even if it was for a short while, if you look at UK doing the same, where we they go?
i have read through this thread, gosh how tiresome. Instead of having a reasoned debate it's turned into a slanging match.
The population of syria is approximately 22.5 million people.

For all of Annie Hoerbland's sincerity, there will be a limit.
Come on mikey4444 why don't you name names, have some awakened yet?

But to get back to the matter regarding accepting more immigrants, refugees call them what you may, I refer you back to this statement of yours.

/// I think that there is a reasoned debate to be had on immigration, or, in this case, offering asylum to people who have become homeless through no fault of their own. ///

Are you not aware that we have many people of our own who are homeless, don't you think it would be best to find a roof over their heads for them before we import even more homeless?

You have still failed to address the infrastructure problems.
we can be as sympathetic as we like, it doesn't mean in purely practical terms we can put those sympathies into actual help, other than humanitarian aid.
/// Do we have the compassion of the Swedes in our fair country? ///

Just look where our earlier 'compassion' has got us.

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