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Ah, yes, because one case overturns many years of intensive research...

The claim I've made in the past is that video games only encourage violence in people who are already violent -- so at most it acts as a catalyst. People who are able to see video games for what they are -- fantasy and not reality -- will no more be encouraged to become violent than they would be reading about wars in the past.

For those already unstable, or isolated, or lonely, or at any rate susceptible to becoming violent, then playing video games may very well push them over the edge. But that was because they already had problems. The game itself is just that, a game, and as long as people recognise this there is no problem.
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In that sense, money encourages much more violence than computer games

But please don't Ban Money - I'm addicted to it
It's those pensioners collecting their pension at the PO you need to watch out for. Pensions encourage abuse when granny is thrown to the floor and get theirs nicked.
Surely this is purely a mugging or robbery and not particularly anything to do with the computer game.

This has happened before when shops have stayed open late to sell a new games console like a PS2 or Xbox.

There was a riot a few years ago when Ikea opened a new store and people charged in to get the bargains and there were fights and so on.

Does that mean furniture encourages violence?
Ikea ads bring out the worst in me.
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Blimey this is a play on words and happenings, and in no way intended to be a case for the banning of computer games.

I suggest that some of you spend your time playing your games (by that i mean computer or games machine ones) instead of wasting your time on Answerbank.
"Who Said That Certain Computer Games Don't Encourage Violence?"

The overwhelming evidence does, AOG. I have explained this argument to you several times before but you didn't seem interested or responsive, so I'm not doing it again.

The man was out at 1:00am at a supermarket in a quiet part of a highly populated urban area - as usual, you have not got a single shred of evidence to suggest that his attacker has ever even played GTA or that this attack was caused by violent video games.
As a play on words it is probably too subtle AOG.
//Blimey this is a play on words ....//

Play on words - really ?
i'd never have realised , if you had not so advise

This happens on the same day that "Grand Theft Auto 5" in relased for the Xbox. A sad irony seeing as the game revolves around car-jacking and shooting anyone who gets in the way!
Surely the post is meant to be humorous; it's a play on the idea that computer games cause violence. That's right, isn't it AOG ?
how ironic
Ah yes, the old, "I was misunderstood: People must learn to read my mind". In the past you've often supported the false notion that computer games encourage violence, so it's hardly surprising that when you again appear to challenge the opposing view that we should take it seriously. But perish the thought that maybe it was possible to miss your irony when you are typing words into a computer and we can't hear you or see your face as you quietly chuckle at the irony of it.

Communication online is a bad place to do sarcasm, so don't be surprised if it gets missed. A simple "This was meant as sarcasm, by the way", with or without an apology -- and certainly without a cheap shot at people who missed the irony for the reasons above -- would have done to make your meaning clear.
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/// Ah yes, the old, "I was misunderstood: People must learn to read my mind". In the past you've often supported the false notion that computer games encourage violence, so it's hardly surprising that when you again appear to challenge the opposing view that we should take it seriously. ///

I am getting a little fed up with your false (no lying) and sarcastic remarks.

/// Communication online is a bad place to do sarcasm, ///

Then why do you?

Where have I ever said or even suggested that computer games encourage violence, I may be getting on in years but I am still in charge of my faculties, but if you can provide me with evidence that I have actually said or suggested that these games do in fact encourage violence, then I will be quite prepared to apologise, but on the other hand if you can't then can I expect an apology from you?.

And in closing please don't blame me if you fail to know that the construction of words in headlines are to first attract attention to the story and then to have a connection with the story details, and please note that I never attached any personal comment to my thread.

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