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Why Is He Still Here?

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anotheoldgit | 16:47 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | News
53 Answers

Five times he has refused to leave Britain, the immigration minister himself told him to go on live television, this is the minister who supports a van touring the country, with the harmless message, "go home or face arrest".

Yet this is just one of many that refuses to go, supported apparently by the Lib Dems who dismissed the vans as 'silly', Labour who accused the Tories of using the ‘language of the National Front’, and The Advertising Standards Authority who said the 'go home' slogan was 'distasteful'.

They could start by saving the fuel that this van uses, so withdrawing any warning and when these illegals are caught, they should be sent back from whence they came almost immediately, yes let's defy Europe and see what they can do about it.

This type of thing would never happen in any other country, when is Britain to get it's back bone back, that back bone that made Britain Great?



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TTG the entire point of the EU is tha it is ONE market, all citizens are equal, and can live , work, move freely anywhere within it. You may not like it but that is the reason it exists.
The vans are obviously not working. As soon as this failed asylum seeker saw the van he should have immediately left the country. He didn't. Possibly like most people, he thought they were a stupid, toothless, gimmick that were a waste of petrol.

I had forgotten about Mark Harper. He was the MP who had to be rescued by the Police from a lynching by his own constituents when he tried to privatised our forests.
I think ttg has made a valid point that some of you appear to have missed. I've met a lot of Russians on building sites,lately. How did they wash up here? I'd imagine its because other countries have a somewhat looser attitude re the issuing of passports.
Let's hope the Bulgarian right to live here doesn't open the flood-gates to Turks who aren't prepared to wait,a bit longer, till they join.
Also, while we're here, does anyone know why 30% of the crime in London is committed by Romanians and yet they're not arriving till January. (That 30% heard on the radio. I'm sure I'll be corrected if wrong)

I could never understand the fuss over those notices.

There are people breaking the law. The notice told them to stop breaking the law.

Maybe the notices should have begun ... "Sorry to trouble you, but would you mind terribly ..." etc

Or maybe, as usual, we just do nothing?


I think it's "... they should be sent back whence they came ..."

Rather than "... 'from' whence they came ..."
AOG, //that back bone that made Britain Great?//

I'm afraid we are so overun with so many immigrants the original back bone is now watered down especially when also pushed by a minority of 'right-on' liberals.

Until we leave Europe and stop subscribing to the ECHR this will never stop.

Do you really think even one illegal immigrant saw one of those posters and hopped on the next plane out of here?

No they didn't. They were not a serious attempt to deter immigration, they were an attempt to be seen to be doing something.

They were a gimmick. They did not do the job we were told they were supposed to do. A waste of money by a Government who are impotent to do anything about the large influx of EU immigrants, so instead they go on a highly visible campaign against a relatively few people.
He should have been held there and then in the studio by the police or whoevers job it is to apprehend criminals/illegals etc and put on the next available flight.

For the last 3 years we have been governed by a Tory led coalition. Are you admitting they haven't done anything?

// This type of thing would never happen in any other country, when is Britain to get it's back bone back, that back bone that made Britain Great? //

Britain is still Great. While you constantly run the place down and sneer at everything we do, the rest of the world still admires us, which is why so many want to come here to live.
"I had forgotten about Mark Harper. He was the MP who had to be rescued by the Police from a lynching by his own constituents when he tried to privatised our forests. "

thanks for that little gem....but what has it to do with this countries spineless attitude towards getting rid of illegals like this

"I'm afraid we are so overun with so many immigrants the original back bone is now watered down especially when also pushed by a minority of 'right-on' liberals. "

you must be a racist, knuckledragging xeophobic bigot...did i miss any out !?
// They were not a serious attempt to deter immigration, they were an attempt to be seen to be doing something //

Governments try to be "seen" to be doing things?

Oh, hang on, yes ...

Like the ludicrous hundreds of millions of pounds wasted on making it illegal to drive while using a mobile phone, despite the fact that ...

1. It was already illegal to drive without due care and attention (for example, while using a mobile phone)

2. They didn't make it illegal to do other things that require you to take your attention, and your eyes, off the road, like ... lighting a cigarette, picking up a hot coffee, reaching over to the passenger glove box, tuning the radio, changing a CD, passing something to a child in the back, programming a sat nav, etc, etc, etc.

Being seen to be doing stuff, which is actually pointless?

The previous Government wrote the book on that one!
I would dispute the figure 'hundreds of millions' spent on detering mobile phone use.
Putting on a CD is a momentary distraction. Dialing, making a call is a prolonged distraction to the driver and has been shown to be very dangerous, endangering the user and road users around them. That campaign was undermined by the unwillingness or inability of the police to enforce the law.

I would much sooner we spent money try to ensure everyones safety, than wasting it on daft poster vans that have no impact on the problem at hand.
"Imagine the chaos next year. Just get a passport in the countries about to get FULL access to the UK "jobs market" and...well you can guess the rest. Trying to sift through that lot to determine who is illegal and who isn't will make this case seem like a drop in the ocean. " ant seen nothing yet

but as people are slowly beginning to realise its all part of the eussr and others grand master plan....destroy this county and everything it stands for, the biggest thorn in the rs of the eussr is sovereign nation states like the UK.

flooding us with immigrants helps to dilute the country, labour have done their best to aid this work in progress plan and the now irreversible damage done by mass immigration over the past 50 or so years is nearing fait accomplis
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/// Do you really think even one illegal immigrant saw one of those posters and hopped on the next plane out of here? ///

Those vans were only a warning, one could say the same regarding the warnings on cigarette packets and alcoholic drinks, do you think those to be unnecessary also?
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/// Britain is still Great. While you constantly run the place down and sneer at everything we do, the rest of the world still admires us, which is why so many want to come here to live. ///

Yes 'Great' for all but the indigenous population, do you hear ENGLAND being mentioned lately except in sporting terms?

No, some of our politicians think more of foreign countries and their inhabitants, than the peoples who put them in power in this country.

Do you think the posters have been responsible for 1 person voluntarily leaving the country?
// Yes 'Great' for all but the indigenous population, do you hear ENGLAND being mentioned lately except in sporting terms? //

I'll ignore the fact that you are trying to move the goalposts from great Britain to just England.

Here is a recent list of the top 22 most positive influential countries in the world. We are 3rd, ahead of the USA and France.

I repeat. The rest of the world hold us in high regard. It is only you moaning minnies who continually bad mouth the country.

// flooding us with immigrants helps to dilute the country, labour have done their best to aid this work in progress plan and the now irreversible damage done by mass immigration over the past 50 or so years is nearing fait accomplis //

Since 1959 the UK has been ruled by the Tories longer than Labour, 8 years more in fact.

As far as your EUSSR conspiracy goes, here are some Key Dates:
1961: The Conservatives apply to join the EEC
1963: The French tell us to get stuffed.
1973: The Conservatives take us into the EEC.
1975: Labour give us a referendum, in or out
1990: Conservatives join the Exchange Rate Mechanism
1992: Conservatives take us out of the ERM, £27billion poorer.
1993: Conservatives sign up for the EU at Maastrict
1997-2010: Labour keeps us out of the EuroZone.
No-one seems to know why he's still here AOG.
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/// Do you think the posters have been responsible for 1 person voluntarily leaving the country? ///

Some on AB are not bothered in the least with my opinions, so I ask you, have you any proof whatsoever that no one has voluntarily left the country due to the posters?

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