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Why Is This Allowed To Happen?

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youngmafbog | 17:07 Wed 16th Oct 2013 | News
19 Answers

More failings of our wonderful civil servants?

When will they get a grip?


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What annoys me is that a woman from say Poland (or any EU country) can come here to UK, marry someone from say Africa, and because SHE is from the EU it gives the African the right to stay in the UK because of the marriage.

There are just so many people in this country who don't give a t**s about this country (because they are either from another EU country or an immigrant from outside the EU) so they are willing to do anything as long as somebody pays them.

That includes marrying someone for "cash", making and selling illicit alcohol, selling illegal cigarettes and tobacco, pushing drugs, working as prostitutes, selling fake designer clothes or perfume, selling fake medicine and tablets, fiddle the benefit system and much more.

You only have to watch a program like "Fake Britain" or "Named and shamed" on TV to see how many of the people involved are immigrants.
According to.....

Oh yes one man and if you read the story it's a throw-away number he's come up with straight off the cuff

Total non-story

Unless of course it confirms your existing prejudice when it's further evidence as if any were needed!
can't see any evidence for his view. He just thinks they have "some element of suspicion about them", whatever that means.

Remember, 65% of statistics are made up.
... according to statistics. ;o)
This has been going on for years, since these people have been coming here en masse, theyve always know one way to stay here was an arranged marriage.

they know every scam in the book
because of lax checking, in one case, perhaps more than one, it was a vicar who took money to marry the fraudsters, think he went to jail, because we have corrupt officials in councils, who can obtain false documents for the sham marriages, it is obviously not a one off. It also irks me that a woman or man from the EU can come to UK, marry a man or woman from outside the EU and they gain automatic residency. there should be more vigilance on marriage ceremonies, documentation.
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//Total non-story

Unless of course it confirms your existing prejudice when it's further evidence as if any were needed! //

How pious.

So it doesn't happen then Jake, so just what evidence do you have to confirm your existing prejudice as if any were needed! //
"Total non-story"

to you it may well be...but then you dont care what happens to this country do you, you dont care about it losing its identity....immigrants, eussr, you dont care let them take the country

naive doesnt begin to describe you at times
recently I had to get a copy of my birth cert and sat in the registry at East Ham in London you could spot the couples who were waiting to book a wedding but hardly knew each other it was sooo easy to spot, not talking to each other, no interaction between them both memorising each from their own list on paper, their body language, both obviously from different countries. There should be more checking done before they issue the marriage license surely if I can spot this then the authorities who see this on a daily basis should be able to stop it, its as though they could not care less.
Personally I go on data rather than prejudice

You should give it a try

Last reliable figures based on actual cases (rather than the experiences and opinions of one man) suggest the number is 1 in 187

Incidently it looks as if he didn't even give that 1 in 5 figure but gave a lower opinion for the whole country and the SKY news hacks massaged the figures for 'urban areas' to get the highest number that they could.

They've wound you up like a clockwork tin soldier and no mistake!
Naive baz ?

That's a good one

I'm not the one taking SKY news at face value!

Did you know the word gullible isn't in the dictionary?

somebody told me it was does that mean im gullible
did anyone look at my link, it is the tip of the iceberg,
Nice one jake-the-peg

Why don't people do a little digging, as you have, when presented with these wild figures?

What has happened to people's natural curiosity. They see a figure on screen and immediately accept it as true.

I blame...well, actually...I have no idea who to blame for this...
Regardless of the actual percentages, loopholes like this need sorting. Ok if the number is minute then maybe the cost isn't justified, but a country does need to know it has made that conscious decision and is not just ignoring the issue by allocating unsufficient resource. Folk do tend to get riled at others just thumbing their nose and taking the widdle out of them; and the authorities seemingly giving it tacit approval by its inaction.
At least in France now an immigrant needs to be married for 2 years and 'residing' at same address as spouse to gain french citizenship.
so JTP and his little sidekick SP dont believe its going on

gnarf gnarf gnarf gnarf
"They see a figure on screen and immediately accept it as true. "

for your information matey boy, i dont believe those figure, its a dead cert the real figures will be much higher, just like we are always being lied to about the amount of immigrants flooding in etc etc

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