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British Gas Price Rise

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Everhelpful | 12:17 Thu 17th Oct 2013 | News
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Don't know how to do link but,according to Sky News British Gas are raising Electricity Prices by !0.4% and Gas by 8.4%.on 23 November.Must be near Winter again.


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Don't forget, of course, that around 10% of household bills go directly to fund "Green" projects. This is in the form of tax but is hidden because the government would not like to see "+10% Green Tax" on the bottom of each bill as well as the already outrageous VAT at 5%. The Green Tax goes to fund ludicrous projects, mainly windfarms (contribution to total...
14:21 Thu 17th Oct 2013
It's simply shocking, I couldn't believe the 10.4% rise and then some biddy comes on saying how they want to help customers, particularly the older ones - oh yes, going the right way about it aren't you love !!! They have us over a barrel, they know we need to heat our homes in the cold winter months.
Labour has plans to deal with companies who pre-empty the price freeze. I doubt if this has anything to do with it given there won't be an election until 2015.
Switching energy supplier is a waste of time. Let there be proper competition or none at all. What we have now is effectively a cartel.

Thanks for the come back, I am please it was of some help.
I've never understood the 'switching the energy supplier anyway', as they all put their prices up, one after the other!

//I have a Warm Front account with Eon, where my monthly payments over the year are set at a given amount which I pay by direct debit, this remains the same every month throughout the year, but I have read that this deal will no longer be available due to some EU directive saying that it is now illegal. //

EU directive about direct debits? Where did you read about that?
You and me seem to singing from the same song sheet on this aog !

All the privatisations have been a con and Royal Mail will be as well. Difficulty is, we have a tendency to vote Tory every now and then, thus allowing these robberies to proceed. And yes, I am aware that Labour had plans to privatise Royal Mail as well, to their everlasting shame.

Compare your water rates with those of 25 years ago, and we don't even have the luxury of a competitor to change to. Daylight robbery, all of the privatisations.
If you are going to switch, switch to a fixed price deal and soon, before they are amended to reflect the price changes.

Of course it is not much of an answer. We have a largely toothless regulator, and energy market dominated by 6 suppliers, most of whom are also the producers of the energy we use, and operate as an effective if not actual cartel.

In the meanwhile, directors and members of the board rake in luvverly bonuses. Trebles all around!

Quite so. It makes no sense whatever for one company to run for any great length of time with prices lower than the competition and lose out on potential profits.

Sure, if a company is new to the market and is trying to win customers off the competition then, obviously, they set an attractively low rate but, as soon as the 'flood' of switching customers reduces to a trickle, it makes sense to raise prices to be exactly the same as the competition.

Common sense in free market economics dictates that companies will merge and shed staff to save costs until there is finally a monopoly. We have laws against such anti-competitive behaviour so it's capitalism, Jim but not as we know it.

Mickey Power and the Royal mail are simply not in the same class.

If anyone thinks Milliband can promise a price freeze then they need their head looking into. For starters expect more rises from the companies as they seek to hike before he does it followed by a big hike after the two years or whatever.

In addition, if wholesale prices rise through the roof(quite possible) is Milliband still going to price freeze and so force companies into liquidation?

I agree that power compaies should not be in private hands but it no use just blaming the Tories, labour had 13 years to Nationalize it -- and didnt.
Don't forget, of course, that around 10% of household bills go directly to fund "Green" projects. This is in the form of tax but is hidden because the government would not like to see "+10% Green Tax" on the bottom of each bill as well as the already outrageous VAT at 5%.

The Green Tax goes to fund ludicrous projects, mainly windfarms (contribution to total requirements somewhere between 0% and very little more). The cost of these schemes is enormous and is just about the most expensive and inefficient way to produce electricity devised by man. Bear in mind as well that much of the costs goes to wealthy landowners who kindly agree to have the useless ornaments sited on their land.

Bills could be reduced by 15% at a stroke if these taxes were abolished.

/// EU directive about direct debits? Where did you read about that? ///

Where the hell did you read that, I said nothing of there being a EU directive regarding Direct Debits, I was referring to the Eon Warm Front deal.
Cant recall the title but some years back I read a book and a whole section was on the privatisation of utilites in the UK.

Long book short Maggie and others saw how much and vast the profit that was being made by the owners of overseas utility companies was.

the "others" had been putting pressure on Mags for some time to do the same over here because it was too good a thing to not be having a massive slice of.

It was well know that there was never a gnats chance in hell of prices coming down, (ask anbody overseas at that time if they ever remebered their energy prices doing anything but escalate), as I said in an earlier post, these companies were out to get as much money out your pockets as possible...and they have been to this day and will keep on doing.

but of course the ever stoooooopid and gullible public were told prices would come down

I read it in the words you used!

//...which I pay by direct debit, this remains the same every month throughout the year, but I have read that this deal will no longer be available due to some EU directive saying that it is now illegal.//

How else am I to enterpret the words "this deal will no longer be available"?

I am not a mind-reader so I had no way of knowing that you meant, specifically, the Eon Warm Front deal. (Whatever that is)

Basically, I am on direct debits too, so I was paying attention to what you said.
British Gas - still looking after your world.

This might make you laugh a bit - in fury, or in glee - British Gas launched a new twitter channel the same week they announce a hike in fuel prices, and this is a selection of the some of the furious tweets from disgruntled customers they received :)

@AoG This warfront account you are on - are you confusing it with the StayWarm tarriff from Eon? If so, the reason the tariff was phased out was nothing to do with the EU and everything to do with Eon trying to lay the blame for phasing it out on OFGEMs insistence that energy company offered far fewer, far more simple tariffs for its customers, so that energy companies could not hide behind complexity in order to justify their excessses.

You are quite right I stand corrected on both counts.

I was getting mixed up with the Governments Warm-Front deal, and I thought that I had read somewhere that OFGEM was forced to come to that decision due to an EU directive.

/// I read it in the words you used! ///

Try reading all the words that I used, there were no full stops.
-- answer removed --
My apologies, AOG. Selective attention on my part.

My direct debits also stay the same throughout the year and I latched onto that aspect, thinking that's what you were saying the EU had ruled against.

I may also have mistaken any anti-EU sentiment as UKIP flag-waving, which I have a reflex response to. ;-)


Apology accepted thank you, enjoy the rest of the day.

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