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Should Be Lower The Age Of Consent To 15 ?

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mikey4444 | 10:28 Sun 17th Nov 2013 | News
105 Answers

I can't really make my mind up on this one. If 10,000's of 15 years olds are having sex and we can't seem to stop them, perhaps it shouldn't be a crime. But what of the 14 years olds ? Will there be a campaign in another few years to make that the age of consent ?


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A No from me, because if we lower it to 15 them 14 year olds will think it is ok where will it stop? Would we have a demand to lower it to 14 in a few years?
AOG, if it is changed the law will not be retrospective , those being charged now for sex with under 16s back in the 60 and 70s will still have committed an offence , it is the law at the time of the offence that counts.
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horseshoes.....with you 100%. If the law was lowered, it would be a charter for dirty old men.
NO, I did shout.
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Defending oag here...I am sure that he was aware of the way the law works eddie. autres temps, autres moeurs.
Eddie, it's illogical to say don't lower it to 15, because then it's ok for 14-yr-olds. Are you saying it's not worth having a law if people might break it?
Having taught many 14 year old pregnant schoolgirls whose partners were over 18, I cannot remember one case of the male being prosecuted. I do remember having to deal with 14 year old girls sobbing and screaming because their babies were taken away from them.
Not forgetting the email from a 14 year old who had gone into labour, had no credit on her mobile, was alone in the house as her foster parent had gone out, not saying where she was going.
The law is there, but rarely brought into being.
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DaisyNonna...a sad clearly speak from experience. If a young girl has a baby at that age, then its a tragedy that will last and last. Lets start taking the problem of gymslip mothers seriously. If it means prosecuting some men, then so be it. To try to solve this problem by lowering the age of consent is plainly stupid. Most ABer's seem to agree and Dave does as well it would seem. So my bet is that its not going to happen.
NO ,where will it stop ?
I was saying that in my opinion if we lower it to 15, within a few years there will be pressure to lower it again. I think it is fine as it is I do not agree with lowering it.
I did not lose my virginity until 23 (is that a record?) just saying in case the age at which virginity is lost effects your judgement on this.
Choosing age of consent is arbitrary at best, but Cameron is against lowering it. He won't support the plan unless Daily Mail, Daily Express and Sun headlines are for it.
within a few years there will be pressure to lower it again

That doesn't follow at all. The age hasn't been changed in 1885. I don't think there's any doubt that girls mature younger 130 years later, so that's a legitimate reason for considering changing it again (not that it's going to happen).
Pregnancy won't always follow teenage sex. I think if it's legal, teenagers will find it easier to get advice and contraception. I don't think burying our heads in the sand and pretending it doesn't happen until 16 is doing anyone any favours.
*since* 1885
When 2 15 year olds have sex consentually - who is the victim of this 'crime'?

Too often in these 'Romeo and Julliet' cases it's the families who run around insisting a crime has taken place and getting upset that the CPS won't press charges because it's not in the public interest.

It would be nice to have a nice simple law but really this revolves around issues of consent.

The existing situation is probably the best of a bad lot - whereby it's technically illegal but a prosecution is not persued if they are of similar ages and the CPS is happy there was no coercion

The situation where something like this is illegal one day and legal a few hours later is a farce and I guess this is the most sensible way of keeping things sensible
They may mature younger physically but most are not emotionally ready at 15. As we all agree that it is virtually unheard of for prosecutions to take place for 15 year olds having sex, I still think things are best left as they are.
As many teenagers over 16 would rather take the risk than seek contraceptive advice what makes you think that under 16s would?
Physical, mental and emotional maturity do not all occur at the same time.
Most are not emotionally ready at 15? How do you work that out? Both my daughters have always known their own minds. It doesn't mean they have to have sex, but they are able to decide.
I am reminded of the old joke when a policeman see a car parked in a secluded car park at a few minutes to midnight.
He knocks on the window to ask what is happening. There is a male in the front seat who is listening to the radio, in the back is a girl doing some knitting. Hello say the cop what's going on here?
The male tells him 'I'm listening to the radio while she is doing some knitting'
'Ok, how old are you two' asks the cop
The boy replies 'I'm 18 and she will be 16 in 10 minutes''
pixie, having been a dad to 5 kids I know very many are not 'ready' at 15 or 16. Your daughters may be but my opinion is that a majority are not.
Fair enough, Eddie. Although i believe if you ask dads when their daughters are ready for sex, the age of consent would be raised to about 35! ;-)

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