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SP, But they are not covert, are they? Look at people like Anjem Choudary, ‘Hook’ Hamza, and all the other preachers of hate. Who do you think is radicalising young British Muslims? It is a great mistake to align Islamic fundamentalism with, say, the IRA because unlike radical Islam, the IRA don’t fight for causes other than the one political cause that affects their country. Islam is not simply a religion – it is far more than that. It is a universal brotherhood; it is a complete way of life, it dictates every aspect of life, and it is deemed beyond criticism - and that is what distinguishes it from Catholicism and from any other religion. You say ‘If I were a Muslim…’, but you have no idea what it means to be a Muslim and it’s a mistake to assume that you and they share similar ideological values. You don’t. As I said, this is a mindset like no other, and the sooner we, and those peaceful, law-abiding, Muslims who would like to disassociate themselves from the extremists, acknowledge that and determine to openly reject it the better. It is not enough for individual Muslims to pay lip service to what is right by saying they disagree with terrorism. They have to stand up and be counted – and until they do, nothing will change.