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It Seems These Rebels Don't Want Peace

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Brancaster | 17:10 Mon 20th Jan 2014 | News
13 Answers
Why was this woman allowed to appear in private - is this something different in Scots law?


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I thought I understood the news report to say that appearing in private was normal in Scottish Courts for the first appearance to confirm charges etc.
Quite correct, LG.
Scottish Law is a separate system to English Law. But I have no idea what you mean by your question.
In the mail online they've now taken to pixelating her face out of the photos with her in, seems odd as we all knew what she looked like anyway!
And no, I don't understand what the OP means either.
what a strange post...................Scottish law is different to English law. different countries !
I understand your question, Brancaster, but I don't understand any of the title- which rebels do you mean?
Ah- I see you have accidentally or deliberately cut and paste the title from anotheoldgit's post from earlier this afternnon
In jock law I guess 'attempting to defeat the ends of justice' is the same as our 'attempting to pervert the course of justice'?

A bit of a pathetic re-name, just for the sake of being different
What a weird title !
I think Brancaster's headline is totally appropriate
and yes they dont seem to want peace

and yes Scots law is different to English - but only radically different in Land.

and yes the first hearing is in private

and yes you do eighteenth century things like 'pray petitions' instead of apply to a court. and his lordship graciously hears something
rather than bacngs his gavel with half his breaskfast down his front

different it is, oop t NOrth

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It Seems These Rebels Don't Want Peace

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