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Piers Moron Leaves !

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Peter Pedant | 12:20 Mon 24th Feb 2014 | News
43 Answers
Those damned yankies are pulling the plug on Piers Moron's telly show on CNN.

Got tired of hearing a Brit being superior over gun control apparently

A recent petition to deport him quickly gathered the needed 100 000 signatures and the White House huffily commented that the petition process was not to be used for entertainment or comic purposes.


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Peter Pedant You missed your chance of titling your question: 'End of the Piers show' That would've been awesome.
12:36 Mon 24th Feb 2014
Question Author
O god this is meant to be in News.... sorry
I've just deported it to News... I didn't have to ask the home secretary or nuffink.
"I've just deported it to News... I didn't have to ask the home secretary or nuffink."

Best answer right there :)
Never watched his American show, but I don't have the problem with him that large swathes of the community seem to endure.

I think the novelty of a Brit on American TV is limited, and PM has done well to stretch it out for this long.
this was on the radio 5 and radio 1 news bulletins earlier - why?
Peter Pedant

You missed your chance of titling your question:

'End of the Piers show'

That would've been awesome.
If his talent was as big as his head he'd be a wonder, and no mistake.
Hope to God he isn't bringing his 'show' here.
the old septics don't like anyone criticising their systems for killing each other do they?
Darn it. I like SPs "End of the Piers Show" comment too ;)

His criticism of gun control in the USA was bound to go down badly with the US public, especially coming from a Briton, and I did find it funny they petitioned the White House to get him deported ;)
Although the 'gun thing' was a notable straw on the camel's back, Mr. Morgan had a lot of other minuses going for him and he stoked them all.

Firstly, here in the U.S. CNN has been on a downhill slide for several years now. Unfortunately Morgan was hierd as a replacement for retiring curmudgeon Larry King (I don't know how well this translates to a Brit audience... no pun intended). King had lost a lot of ground over a very short period of time and had become a laughing stock at best.

Morgan's arrival was accompanied by a veritable grab bag of lead bricks that, unfortunately, the American audience interpreted as the general attitude of the 'English' towards their unwashed colonist cousins.

This quote from a recent discourse on his departure says it all: "...Mr. Morgan’s approach to gun regulation was more akin to King George III, peering down his nose at the unruly colonies and wondering how to bring the savages to heel. He might have wanted to recall that part of the reason the right to bear arms is codified in the Constitution is that Britain was trying to disarm the citizenry at the time..."

For me, his endless repitoire of references to English sports... usually 'football' (his is round) or 'baseball' (his is palyed with "wicket's?) and his dismissive attitudes towards much of American culture... which he is certainly welcome to, but with a significant entrance (and departure) tab.
Sanctimonious git - the only problem being that we are likely to see more of him on our screens. Gawd.

I'll own up to not being a fan,
but Moron?
I wouldn't mind the man's bank balance!
Who is going to tell all those gun owners in America that they are stupid, when Piers is gone ? They don't seem to listen to all those parents of slaughtered children after all.

I have never really liked P Morgan...well, who could ? But I have a lot more respect for him nowadays.
Oh if only we had the chance to petition our leader to deport someone, when a foreigner says something we don't like.
@ AoG You are perfectly at liberty to petition our Government to deport an individual, using the EGov Petitions website.

If you can raise - I think the threshhold is 100,000 votes, I think - then No.10 has to make a statement or initiate a debate.

You will note that the response of the White House to the petition was that the White House was powerless to deport anyone, but hey, knock yourself out. Who would you wish to deport?
I dont think he is a moron.
His interview ratings on UK TV get some of the lowest ratings, possibly lower even than Parkinson got. At least the yanks have enough savvy to recognise a dead duck, shot or not.
Mikey, mikey... we have, of course, trod this path many times here to for... but, had there been even one legal gun holder at the terrible events you reference, the outcome would have most likely been entirely different.

All[i persons in all of the events in your reference, gained the use of the firearms by illegal methods... one even killing his mother before taking the guns, which he'd had been previously denied the right to own due to his mental illness.

Your proposal would result in [i]only] "bad guys" having firearms. I've said it before, but it bears repeating that the average response time after calling law enforcement personnel is about 15 to 18 minutes... a lifetime in a desperate situation. I'll not delegate the safety of my family to anyone, least of all respected lawmen and women whose only failure is being 15 minutes too late...

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