divebuddy - "andy-hughes, If you've ever been to a modern "edgy" comedian's show - someone like Jimmy Carr, for instance - you would know that what your link is talking about doesn't apply.
nobody is laughing in "an attempt to move a situation along more quickly". the "edgy" jokes come thick and fast. all the jokes are edgy. all the audience know in advance that this will be so. if people didn't want this they wouldn't be there in the first place or they would walk out when it (very quickly) became obvious that that was all there was.
I've been to a couple of Jimmy Carr's shows and I can assure that the audience find it hilarious. very poor taste, but hilarious."
This is interesting because I have seen a Jimmy Carr show, on TV, but an entire show, so I know of what you speak.
I find JC's approach to be totally different, particularly the final section of the show i saw, where he decided to guage that individual audience's acceptance of levels of taste - ratcheting up each joke to find the 'offence' level.
Now that i found not only really funny, but really clever.
To me, Jimmy Carr's comedy possesses a sense of sharpnes and wit which is uterly devoid from Frankie Boyle's output - Carr carefully slices his audiences, reactions with a very sharp knife, Boyle simply smashes his to bits with a blunt instrument.
I do completely accept that people like both comedians, but I maintain that FB's audience are probably roller-coaster addicts - c'mon shock me, you know you can - and there is an audience for that, it is simply not on television, and to imagine that it was shows a lack of juidgement on the part of Frankie Boyle.