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Government Allows People Access Their Own Money

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ludwig | 12:33 Thu 20th Mar 2014 | News
45 Answers
It's pretty radical stuff. What's the consensus here on AB - good or bad?


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I suppose as long as you're not so fast they can't catch you, humbersloop

sorry for the digression ludwig
But my point was a real one - how is someone who saves a bit & then blows it different from someone who never even tries in the first place?
so was mine dave

none at all
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We're all entitled to the state pension, so that cost is fixed, and unaffected by any other savings people may have.

If the people who've managed to save extra into another pension fund want to blow it all on day one after retirement on fine wines, Lamborghinis and prostitutes, and subsequently rely solely on the state pension, that should be entirely their business.

As New Judge says, as long as the fact that they've done this adds no extra burden to the state scheme and incurs no costs to any other taxpayer, then no-one else should have any problem or concern over it whatsoever.

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Government Allows People Access Their Own Money

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