Is it not time to get back to basics ? 1. All jobs in the UK to be first offered to able bodied UK residents ( those that refuse work without adequate reasons get NO handouts) 2. All school-age children caught not attending school their parents to be fined heavily. 3. Cancel this rubbish about ALL children being given school meals ( certainly feed kids from very poor backgrounds ). 4. All single parents to be assisted with help to get absent parents to contribute in their children's upbringing ( it took two to create them) 5. Let's have some plans for one bedroom accommodation to be built quickly to ease the present situation of widows/widowers still stuck in family homes when such homes could be released to accommodate families looking to move into larger homes. 6.Let's also have a good look at private landlords who are charging exorbitant rents when young people are desperate for somewhere to live. These in my opinion are just a few things which tackled properly could make Britain Great again.