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Is The Truth Racist?

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ToraToraTora | 21:35 Mon 21st Apr 2014 | News
47 Answers
It seems that the EUphiles cannot bear the truth and have to resort to their usual name calling. Ok you can call me a swivel eyed knuckle dragging little Englander now!


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Mikey:"Local farmers can't get local unemployed people to work in the fields for love nor money" - I have explained this many times. If employers cannot get workers they increase the wages till they can. The problem now is that the migrant workers are available and cheap, so the indigenous workers either take the same money(as in your lidle example) or don't work, most, it seems, choose the latter. Now if there was no source if cheap labour employers would have to raise the wages until the indigenous workers where tempted from under their duvets, QED! I'd pick fruit if they paid me enough!
It is mickey when you cannot understand what they are saying because their english is so bad and some of these calls cost a fortune. I spent 15 mins on one of these calls saying pardon and can you spell that for me, i am certainly not impressed.
That might be true of agricultural workers TTT, although I doubt if the practise of paying low wages to immigrants is widespread. But I accept that it may be a factor. But it doesn't explain why our Government still pays people to stay under their duvets though, when work is available though.

This might sound peculiar coming from a pinko like me but I would support the move to get tougher with our long-term unemployed by any British Government ! I have worked all my life, since I was 16 and I am nearly 61. I am fed up with paying my taxes so that these people can breed and live their whole lives as scroungers. If people are offered jobs and they refuse to take them, benefits should be withdrawn.

But what about my example of Heathrow. Again, I find it hard to accept that the employers at Heathrow are paying lower rates to foreigners than Brits. There must be lots of unemployed Brits living near the Airport that could have taken those jobs.

Again I make my central point that foreigners are here to work. If we didn't have so many vacancies, largely caused by our own unemployed refusing to work, these people wouldn't be over here.
I understand your frustration Brendan. Its become so annoying to me that I now leave the home phone "off the hook"
//There must be lots of unemployed Brits living near the Airport that could have taken those jobs. //

is there a benefits street in harmondsworth? :-0
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"But it doesn't explain why our Government still pays people to stay under their duvets though, when work is available though. "

steady mikey you are starting to sound like me!

I agree 100% about the long term scroungers and I have offered the solution many times. Stop giving them cash. Pay their rent and give them food vouchers. stop giving them actual money. Then create a benefits system that works hand in hand with the lower paid jobs so it is never a case of being better off by not working.

There may be mush ! But who can blame the Heathrow employers ? These jobs need to be done and if the Airport couldn't find a suitable Brit to do the work, what were the authorities supposed to do ? Let the planes make their own way to the landing bay ?
/// If it wasn't for immigrant workers, the potatoes, and daffodils would rot in the fields. This isn't hearsay....I have actually spoken to many of these farmers.///

yes, mikey, I remember those days. pmsl.
TTT...its happened again ! Us two, singing from the same hymn sheet !
Flipping heck, and me an atheist as well !

Of course you are correct and this isn't a party political argument, as successive Governments have failed to curb our benefits culture. I agree, make people work...if they don't, withdraw benefits.

But there is another aspect to this. If an employer is faced with the choice between 2 job applicants, one who has been on the dole for years and has no skills or training, and another who has skills and is willing to work, who can blame the employer for taking the latter ? And if that latter applicant just happens to be from Poland, is the employer somehow wrong for choosing the right person for the job ?

One of the reasons why we have so many out of work here in Britain is that a lot of them have very little education, no training and no skills. In the course of my work as a Social Survey Interviewer, here in south Wales,
I come across people like this all the time, especially in areas that used to rely on unskilled or semi-skilled work, like mining. When I left school in 1969, every boy had at least a CSE in Woodwork, but most of these people have no qualifications whatsoever. We should have been training these people thrown out of work, to be plumbers, bricklayers, sparks, chippies, etc, so that when the up-turn in the economy came along, they would be able to slot themselves into the jobs as they came available. I understand that is what happened in Germany.

But instead, we just paid millions of people to lie around on the sofa, watching the telly all day. A great tragedy, which is now coming back to haunt us.
Svejk...sometimes you use abbreviations and phrases that I am unfamiliar with. Please...what does pmsl mean ?
// Tell me Gromit if the voters were tied after 12 years of a Labour Government how have Labour's policies changed so as to awaken the voters, and won't Milliband also make a poor Prime Minister for this country? //

The voters are already convinced. Labour have been ahead in the polls for 3 years. I agree that Miliband doesn't seem a good leader, so I don't think he will be a good Prime Minister. It all depends on what kind of majority Labour get how well Miliband will be able to Govern. Cameron is not a good Prime Minister, but that is mainly because he didn't get a workable majority.
>If people are offered jobs and they refuse to take them, benefits should be withdrawn. <

mikey never mind not taking the job offer just being late for your signing on time and you can lose your benefits, think they call them sanctions and they have been in force for some time
"Please...what does pmsl mean "

It means "piddle myself laughing."

I don't really understand it in the context of Svejk's post, though.
more proof look at the dates

Mum's fears after benefits stopped | News | Clydebank Post‎
22 Mar 2013 - But when I got called up the gentleman said 'You're five minutes
late, I can't sign you on'. "I said on my phone it says 18 minutes past and I'm

Jobcentres 'tricking' people out of benefits to cut costs, says ... › News › Politics › Welfare‎
1 Apr 2011 - He said staff had different ways to ensure they could stop benefits
for a set amount ... He said his Jobcentre adviser said he would send application
forms in the post, but they arrived too late. ...
you can remember the crops rotting in the fields, though, cant you. I saw a big, fat farmer moaning that Polish people had become lazy* and thank goodness for the influx of Romanian and Bulgarian workers.
*expected a decent wage for the job.
many call centres are outsourced to India, South Africa, even for local government, which i find odd, cheaper to pay them peanuts than our workers a decent wage.
> the potatoes, and daffodils <

do they grow king edwards and daffodils all the year round in south wales ?
emmie over two years back when i had to phone over my hp laptop repair that was to a call centre in south africa
Spud picking isn't very labour intensive these days.

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