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William Kate And George

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fruitsalad | 17:05 Fri 25th Apr 2014 | News
44 Answers
Why is William never seen holding George, only Kate seems to hold him.


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Sorry...still can't get very exited about this non-story.
No he was photographed with the child, receiving the giant stuffed toy (bawbie ) from the gov-gen
mikey, you're forgetting the royals are powerful in Oz. The gov gen sacked a government there, which is more than the queen has done here.
"Sorry...still can't get very exited about this non-story. "

So don't reply on it then! Why are some posters so rude?
I have been really busy this past week so missed most of the news coverage of them all. Does anyone know if they plan to show all the highlights of the Royal tour in one special programme? I did catch a glimpse of the amusing bilby incident when George threw his toy bilby away in disgust as he wanted to stroke the real one - very funny, bless him.
Ive seen them both holding him. Still nice try.
Boo...there was nothing in my post that was rude. It might not agree with your opinion of the Royal Family, but it wasn't rude. And jno...not sure what the connection is between the Governor General in Australia and this rather inane original post ?

To answer fruitsalad directly, I am sure if you scour the output of the Daily Mail, Express, Sun, Mirror etc, you will find plenty of photos of Baby George being held by his Dad, as well as his Mum. I expect there are also photos of him being held by his Nanny as well. Hello magazine and such like might be another source of photos.
I didn't express an opinion on this story mikey, though despite you "having no interest" in it, your posts on this thread seem to contradict that statement.

Why post at all if its sending you to sleep as your 1st post seems to indicate? There's plenty of posts I don't like on here- I personally find 'em beyond boring, but I don't feel the need to say so and potentially offend the OP.

You should B00, spice it up a bit :-)
zzzzzzzzzzzz isn't rude?

The OP seems to refer to the current royal trip, or at least many responses interpret it this way, so I tried to explain why the trip matters. Apologies to fruitsalad if I've misinterpreted her question.
Ann. Sky 1 tonight 6 pm. William Kate and George

/// Mikey/AOG, going by that response, anyone who hadn't read your posts could be forgiven for assuming that all are so very interesting that they hold any reader spellbound! ///

I have been criticised much more sternly for some of my posts, than a few Xs.

It was no criticism against the poster, only the subject matter.
Thank you aog !

Can I suggest that fruitsalad should perhaps have posted in Chatterbank instead of News ? Or maybe we need a new section here on AB, for celebrity news posts ?
Their Australian visit has been front page news for over a week - so I would have put it in the News section also.
Mikey and AOG, as Brenden says it was all over the NEWSpapers and the TV last week so I'd say it was news. You may not be interested in it but it was news. And IMO to put zzzzzzzzzz is rude. If it's so boring and sleep inducing for you, why are you even wasting your time reading it and consequently spoiling fruitsalad's thread?
maybe the post should be in ' celebrity gossip'' ?
Regardless of where the post should be (though personally I think it's in the right place), there's no need for a user to be rude about it.
It's George holding his Willy that you'll never see !
Not sure you are right there canary...I remember one of the Princes having a wee up against a tree when they were little !

But I will always remember the Royal Family making those young boys walk behind their mothers coffin in 1997, all the way down the Mall. What normal family would children do that ?
But I will always remember the Royal Family making those young boys walk behind their mothers coffin in 1997, all the way down the Mall. What normal family would children do that ?

Hard to say, mikey, I can't think of any normal family where the mother is a princess.

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