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Beam Me Up Scotty

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DrFilth | 12:34 Sat 31st May 2014 | News
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comes a step closer , no longer just a dream and seen in the science fiction films



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no imagination, some people.
13:27 Sat 31st May 2014
As an interesting aside did you know kirk never said that?
I thought they'd already "transported" particles, or at least destroyed on in one place and created an identical one elsewhere.

One heck of a small step though. Something our size will need a lot of information before you can kill someone in one place and build someone who is under the delusion they are the same individual, elsewhere.
it cannot work for an entire atom because a Heisenburg. That's why the Star ship enterprise has Heisenburg compensators on the transporter!
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Old_Geezer this is just the start think of what we take as the norm now

> On December 17, 1903, Orville Wright piloted the first powered airplane
20 feet above a wind-swept beach in North Carolina. The flight lasted
12 seconds and covered 120 feet.
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> "This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us."
-- Western Union internal memo, 1876. <

> "Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes
and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum
tubes and weigh only 1.5 tons." -- Popular Mechanics, 1949
yes doctor but they were talking about something that is against the laws of physics.
Let me know when they transport an entire atom, that's all one little atom.
The teleportation in the manner you are speaking of is so far removed from this experiment as to be akin to watching a frog hop and concluding that this same frog is one step closer to breaking the world triple jump record.
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i will not be here in another hundred years times to laugh at your scorn
I'd love to be wrong, but the problem is that there is just too much information in a single (large-ish) atom, let alone a human being, for teleportation as seen in Star Trek to be even remotely feasible. For all our progress and wonderful ability at understanding the Universe we live in, it's worth remembering that physicists can't quite tell you yet how the Helium atom works properly -- let alone the billions and billions of Carbon/ Oxygen etc. atoms that make up the human body.

The only problems in Physics that are exactly solvable are those with two pieces of point-like matter. After that, everything is only ever an approximation. Increasingly accurate as time goes on, but an approximation all the same. I don't think that anyone would be all that interested in "approximately" getting teleported a few feet and losing half of my innards in the process. Sadly, some things are only ever fictional.

Still, in a way it doesn't matter too much. At least some of the reason I became interested in Science was through Star Trek. It may have been wrong, but it's been inspirational to many.
Delft University in the Netherlands ......
Where smoking doobies is quite common.....
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star trek communicators are bigger than most cell phones these days and i bet they don't play mp3 tunes
Nor let you stream music to a blue tooth speaker.
jim you have far more patience than me!
the communicator is feasable and allowed. Matter transferance is not. Please study some physics especially Heisenburg.
I'd be prepared to put good money that if any of the scientists involved in this project were interviewed, and then asked the question, "So does this take us a step closer to 'beam me up Scotty'?", that they would have died a little inside before saying, "".
no imagination, some people.
I bet they're not adverse to using the tenuous connection to publicise their results tho.
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Svejk just going to say that

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