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Hopefully A Happy Ending To The Meriam Ibrahim Story

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mikey4444 | 14:16 Sun 01st Jun 2014 | News
13 Answers

Fingers crossed that this lady is out of prison soon. It seems that when there is enough international condemnation, minds really can be made to change.


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Just seen that ladybirder has already posted this today...apologies to everybody ! Good news though !
The law hasn't changed so the same thing could happen to another woman tomorrow. 'Hopefully' and 'fingers crossed' are not much use in combating state sponsored oppression.
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I agree Gromit, but in this case the international response seems to have paid off. The free world will have to be extra vigilant in the future, to ensure that ignorant, backward and uneducated regimes like Sudan don't attempt this outrage again.
This is not simply an 'uneducated regime' - this is the Sharia Law at work.
There is a real danger that Sharia vigilantes will try to take the law into their own hands. Could she and her husband not be offered sanctuary here?
I've just read that report in your link, Mikey - and it doesn't look that hopeful to me.
sandyRoe, if he wasn't a US citizen I see no reason why they couldn't be offered sanctuary here. As it is I don't suppose there's a need for it.
He's an American citizen Sandy, he was in the Sudan trying to arrange for his wife and children to join him there when she was arrested.
Why are you so keen to bring oeople here? He is a US citizen.
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If he is an American citizen, why on earth was he in Sudan in the first place...imagine the choice, California or Sudan...wouldn't take me long to make my mind up ?
////This is not simply an 'uneducated regime' - this is the Sharia Law at work.////

It has nothing to do with Sharia. It is more to do with political as well as legal corruption in few countries where people have to find something to put blame on and more importantly to get backing of a mass who do not know themselves. However if someone does not agree then I would ask that person to prove it.
keyplus, are you saying all this is untrue?
Keyplus, you know as well as I do that it is forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim.

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