Crosswords0 min ago
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /cgq0x3 0kkldo No doubt Lammy's just making the expected noises but yes we must increase defence spending. 2.5% GDP is a start but really we should be looking at... ...
https:/ / m/r/ukp olitics /commen ts/1i4v 711/rob bie_moo re_mpi_ have_ju st_been _to_an_ event_i n/ "Robbie Moore MP:I have just been to an event in Keighley and a former Lord Mayor of Bradford,... ...
A small village in Essex is to see the capacity of its local former RAF station, which currently houses asylum seekers, expanded to take... ...
I was going to put it on my other thread but decided to create a new thread for the nice people to ignore. https:/ / /news/a rticles /cew5v4 8w54qo ...
The couple, named as Craig and Lindsay Foreman, who are in their early 50s, and were on a trip across the world to Australia on motorbikes, were arrested in Iran in January on unspecified security... ...
https:/ /news.s story/a mp/volo dymyr-z elensky y-calls -for-cr eation- of-arme d-force s-of-eu rope-13 309703< br /> ... seeing as the US is no longer a dependable ally.
good idea or not? ...
good idea or not? ...
https:/ /www.te legraph busines s/2025/ 02/14/r achel-r eeves-b lows-bl ack-hol e-counc il-budg ets-tax -raid/ \\Rachel Reeves will blow an £8bn hole in council finances with her record Budget tax raid,... ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/uk/2 014840/ ed-mili band-ba n-frack ing-lin colnshi re-gas- field-d iscover y Milliband will build a few windmills instead! ...
J.D. Vance's speech in Munich will go down in history as one of the best and most precient political speeches of all time, - surely ? https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/live /pCOsgf INdKg ...
So, a Zimbabwean paedophile was allowed to stay in Britain because he would face "hostility" if he was deported back to his home country. Thank you ECHR. An immigration tribunal judge blocked his... ...
Can anyone explain why the ratio of Israeli to Palestinian hostages is so great - 3 Israelies to 100 Palestinians. Seems odd to me.
https:/ / .uk/new s/33383 727/jd- vance-b ritain- free-sp eech-eu rope-im migrati on/ Vice President Vance has launched an attack on the UK in the way free speech is being stifled. Also on his... ...
The video of a knife wielding man featured in a now missing post begs the questions: Why bother getting a knife if you're going to kick,punch and spit on your target? And How can the citizen... ...
First time house buyers rose by a fifth in 2024. Get those houses built KS, buyers waiting. It appears first time buyers can afford their own homes.
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/20 14341/r eform-w ales-co uncil-v ictory Sorry it's an Express link, funny the BBC don't seem interested. Anyway the voters now have clearly had enough and are... ...
Is the writing on the wall for the Conservative party as they fall behind Labour and Reform in the latest poll by Techne UK. With senior Tories asking is Badenoch up to the job.?
https:/ / ews/mer idian/2 023-02- 13/four -teenag e-asylu m-seeke rs-arre sted-on -suspic ion-of- school- rape Our politicians are absolutely useless. ...
Kayaker "eaten" by whale then spat out. https:/ /uk.yah news/wa tch-kay aker-ch eats-de ath-bei ng-1057 22453.h tml ...
https:/ / .uk/new s/33361 876/kei r-starm er-ditc h-visit -farmer s-prote st/ A visit by Starmer to a building devlopment was blockaded by angry farmers. Rather then face them he scurried off... ...
https:/ / ance24. com/en/ live-ne ws/2025 0213-gr enade-b last-in -french -bar-wo unds-12 \\"There's nothing to make us think it's linked to terrorism," he said, calling it an "act of extreme violence"... ...