OK Naomi...pax !
I post the EC at the start of every month. The site makes for interesting reading, especially the list of vulnerable seats ::
Note that UKIP are not predicted to take any vulnerable seats at all, despite all the flash and thunder at the time of the Euro Elections a few weeks ago. Also, most of the gains would seem to come to Labour, and the few Tory gains from the Libs.
In other words, dave is not winning the battle of wills with Labour. That is why dave should be concerned that he is unable to break the logjam, and hasn't been able to do so since soon after the 2010 Election. As a Labour voter, I would be happier if they were ahead by a larger margin, but if there were an Election this Thursday, then it would appear that Ed's missus would be in Number Ten, measuring up for new curtains on Friday morning.