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George Galloway Under Investigation

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ChillDoubt | 18:17 Thu 07th Aug 2014 | News
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by West Yorkshire Police for alleged anti-Semitic remarks:

Great orator and debater he may be but he's still madder than a dickless dog.


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I don't think he is as mad as a dickless dog, perhaps as mad as a sack of ferrets though.
Palestinians are semites too....
don't tell them that jomifl, it'll only confuse them!
he is not a great orator, that would be Winston Churchill,
Galloway is a self serving, first class w anker
Thank you emmie, I do like you. :)
^So do I.
to think we fought two world wars, sacrificed our men and women only to have arses like him spouting off, he is sucking up to the so called minorities in Bradford, i hope it chokes him.
he's a dope.

That OP link took an age to open, then ... . . . . ?
-- answer removed --

Good to see you posting, emmie.
The bit I saw isn't an anti-semitic rant, it's an anti-Israel rant. I'm sure he's aware of the law and is being careful not to break it.
..note he says 'We don't want any Israeli tourists here'. He doesn't say 'We don't want any jewish tourists here'.

He's not stupid. He's keeping it political.
jomifl/// Palestinians are semites too ///

Could you or 3T, seeing as he jumped on your bandwagon, explain what possible relevance that^ has to, well, anything.
Pleased you are back emmie you were missed.
Very tiresome little man.
Nice to see you back emmie...hope everything is OK with you !
Just to remind everybody :::::

I have no problem with him suggesting a ban on Israeli goods as a protest against the State of Israel if that's what floats his boat, but I absolutely draw the line at his call for no Israeli Scholars or visitors- that's ridiculous and abjectly racist. He needs to have a rethink.
Rethinking is something that Galloway has never been terribly good at.

For instance, he could have had a rethink about whether to appear on Big Brother and make a monumental pillock of himself or not, but his powers of reasoning seem to fail him completely over that issue. Not sure how anybody can take him seriously after that !

He may be a great orator but he is a far greater pillock

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