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Horrible Three Criminals Threatened Small Boy With Axe

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mikey4444 | 17:56 Mon 11th Aug 2014 | News
7 Answers

Good long sentences as well, which makes a very pleasant change I must say.


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I agree with you, mikey. I suspect that they will appeal though.
who was the fella who used to splash his victims with petrol ?
and then he played around with a lighter....

Blimey his subjects must have pooped themselves...
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To use a small, terrified boy in this way is about as low as you can get.
I wonder what the other cons will make of this tonight ? Child cruelty is not taken lightly by the criminal community.
Thank goodness these bottom of the barrelscum are of our streets.

Yes I dont think they will have a pleasant time mickey, at least I hope they wont.
Why did they get different sentences, surely they are all equally guilty?
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I don't think they all had their hands on the axe at the same time AOG, although I find it a tad puzzling myself.
Just looking at their mug shots sends shivers down my spine !

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Horrible Three Criminals Threatened Small Boy With Axe

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