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Hopkirk...I try to be fair as much as I can !
Major was probably quite a nice chap. He would have made a good next-door neighbour....he would have had all those Black and Decker attachments that you could borrow. If you had the bonnet up on your car, he would jump over the wall in seconds, to help you out. He could be relied on to mow your lawn and feed the budgie when you were on hols.
He would have been a really good Scout Leader. Indeed 53 years ago, I had a very similar Cub Leader when I was a boy, and we all worshiped him
( a Mr Neville Church, of the Wembley Scout Pack ) He would have been a smashing coach for the Boys Cricket Team. I'm sure that we would have been welcomed as the Chair of his local PTA, and a really reliable member of the Neighbourhood Watch.
But as a Manager of the country, which, after all is what a PM is, he was hopeless. He was promoted far above his abilities and was only voted in to replace Lady Voldemort because he wasn't Michael Heseltine. He had the disadvantage, of course, of being surrounded by a pack of backstabbers, or
Bar Stewards to use his own words, but if he had been a little stronger, he might have survived a little longer, although the Tory Party had clearly run out of steam by 1997. Hence the huge landslide of Blair and the Labour Party.
But on the radio yesterday, he had a fire in his belly that I have not heard before. Perhaps the NO camp should have brought him down from the attic sooner rather then later.