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Gordon Brown

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Farriercm | 11:33 Wed 17th Sep 2014 | News
43 Answers
Just watched Gordon brown making his speech on the Scottish referendum,
Best speech he has ever made he was first class, Brilliant.


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Brilliant indeed, by a brilliant politician who I agree sadly had a hard time of it as PM
I always thought that he was having some sort of prolonged breakdown when P.M.. I couldn't understand why someone I felt was a decent man acted and spoke as he did. Now we are seeing the real man. Brilliant - Churchillian in it's unifying power (we are well past party politics here - he won't mind the comparison I feel). He's hit the nub.
That was impressive, heartfelt, meant and superbly delivered. I am not a GB fan by any means but that showed statesmanship and perhaps it has put him to re-charge and lead the SLP in Scotland. If it is yes, you may be better off having GB leading the negotiations than Salmond and that could well happen.

When would be the first election?
We forget that although he was never terribly popular down south, he was always thought better of north of the border. I thought he was the worst leader the Labour party had no many years but I think history will be kinder to Gordon in the future.
Here it is in full ...
Thank you, Ellipsis, for posting the whole speech - I missed it and was relying on bits. Even more impressive in toto.
Of course I'd forgotten that his passion may be a disguise for his desperation. As MP for Kirkaldy and Cowdenbeath he will be out on his ear should Scotland go its own way. He didn't seem to display such passion when PM.
Have to go with NJ ....Gordon brown IMO is and always has been c r a a person and politician. Too little too late and that's about it with him...he's Scottish so what. Never done good and will continue to do just that IMO.
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At the time GB was being a Klutz so was just about every other Premier on the planet. (or do you blame him for everything?)
Yes :-)
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Will Gordie leave politics if Alex wins ?
I think he struggled as PM partly because he suddenly found himself in the job he'd always wanted but couldn't cope with the domestic spotlight, and seemed to react badly to the English Tory press which went after him in a big way.
Maybe like a great cricketer who can't hack being captain.
He showed his true colours today though. The idea that he turned it on just because he was afraid of losing his seat seems mean-spirited, over-cynical and plain daft.
Well this is confusing.
He wants a no vote but he would make a great Scottish PM.
There's irony.
Actually quite a good speech. Too late for many, I fear...
You have lost me Frognog?
I've not heard the speech but I'm guessing he never used the phrase 'that bigoted woman'!!
This whole thing has totally unhinged my political compass, I've found myself agreeing with George Galloway and now this...
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