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Orderlimit, yes I read that article previously. I have a lot of time for Douglas Murray, who is one of the most articulate debaters/writers in the UK on the subject of Islam.
The term Islamophobia itself been the subject of much discussion since it appeared in the early nineties. It is, of course, a nonsense term as Murray himself wrote last June that a 'phobia' is an irrational fear yet there are very real fears of the more radical elements of Islam. The term 'anti Muslim prejudice' would, he argues, be more desirable and in my view, he is correct.
Applying Geller's campaign, she is highlighting the threat in a very open way and serves to remind the American public as they go about their business of the seriousness of the terror threat. You only have to read about the recent arrests in Australia to underline that nobody can afford to be complacent.