Most "western" countries have gone totally overboard with immigration, thinking the local population will accept it and their will be no problems.
But we are now seeing many problems, not only Muslim terrorists.
In the UK we have
Inner city ethnic ghettos
Drug gangs from Black, Asian, Somali (and other) ethnic communities
Stabbing and shootings by ethnic groups on the streets
Asylum seekers sleeping public parks and in people garages
Massive benefit fraud by immigrants
Fake sham weddings
Tax and VAT fraud
Staged traffic accidents to claim for whiplash injuries
Postal voting fraud
Halal meat being forced on to everyone
Honour killings of family members
Female genital mutilation
Muslim Terrorists
Shaira Law being introduced
and more and more and more
And think the local populations in these Western countries are getting fed up with it.
Just today race hate crimes were reported in Ireland, with men from Eastern Europe being attacked
If the problems caused by immigrants continue I can see a civil war happening in this country in the next decade.