Society & Culture25 mins ago
Rotherham Again
8 Answers
http:// .com/ne ws/2014 -09-30/ rotherh am-poli ce-fail ing-vul nerable -childr en-in-c are-hom es/
Ingrid Lee ACC of South Yorks giving a disastrous interview concerning how the report recognises their commitment to child protection....
yeah in Rotherham
we pay for this tax payers !
HMIC issued a report in 2013 and today have released another one ( 2014) .
but I cant find the URL
Ingrid Lee ACC of South Yorks giving a disastrous interview concerning how the report recognises their commitment to child protection....
yeah in Rotherham
we pay for this tax payers !
HMIC issued a report in 2013 and today have released another one ( 2014) .
but I cant find the URL
I would be inclined to agree with you Naomi. The problem these days is that it is always someone elses fault. Pretty poor interview though.
08:21 Tue 30th Sep 2014
This looks like the old one:
http:// www.jus ticeins pectora .uk/hmi c/media /south- yorkshi re-poli ce-resp onse-to -child- sexual- exploit ation.p df
I’m not saying the police don’t have a responsibility, but the fundamental responsibility for the well-being and safety of these children rests firmly with the people managing the homes. If they took their responsibilities more seriously, perhaps police involvement wouldn't be so necessary. The children seem to be allowed to wander at will.