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Why Are Women Banned From Watching Soccer In Saudi?

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ToraToraTora | 16:37 Wed 08th Oct 2014 | News
22 Answers
I don't think the subject is covered in the koran is it?


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It's all balls...
Disgusting that they'd even want to see men running around in shorts ! Where's your sense of decency ?
One of the commentators answered your question. "Her place is in the house."
Isn't there a woman in jail in Iran because she tried to watch a basketball game?
I don't think that it is anything to do with Islam or the Koran.

It is Saudi custom as is alcohol being forbidden.
I agree

I hate it when Mrs Z wants to join me watching a televised match

'O England are playing, I might watch this. Who are they playing? Is it Manchester Utd?'

// I don't think that it is anything to do with Islam or the Koran.//

I wouldn’t say that, Sqad. Strictly speaking, and there are few stricter than the Saudis, ne’er the twain shall meet.
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// I don't think that it is anything to do with Islam or the Koran.//

It's certainly true that these issues don't arise in non arab, muslim countries

e.g. indonesia, parts of malaysia, the balkans, turkey ....

the basis for these female suppression attitudes is arab traditions
They don`t like men and women mixing together. As the match took place in the UAE, then women and men could mix and that angered some Saudi men.
They might realise what ugly slugs their husbands are...simples.
An exception may be made for Dundee United games. :-)
We might get inflamed, and jump about, and our hijabs go askew.
Douglas, you are literally a 'terror'! ;-)
@ divebuddy
There must be a defending player between the attacking player and the goalkeeper at the moment the ball is played.
Not hard is it?
Misogyny TTT...pure and simple.
Zeuhl, only because those countries don't impose the strictest interpretation of the advice given - and given it is.
Point taken naomi

but is it a circular argument?

The 'centre' of islam is arab and the religion is interpreted there through arab sensibilities

whereas in non arab cultures they find some of that advice inappropriate

similarly, is fundamentalist/traditional Catholicism 'southern european'?
With any religion, Catholicism included, which is adhered to more strictly in southern Europe and South America than it is here, some people ignore the bits that don’t suit their lifestyle, and others take the bits that do suit them to the extreme - and Islamic literature justifies those extremes.

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