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Farage Invited Onto T V Debate With Party Leaders

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ChillDoubt | 10:50 Mon 13th Oct 2014 | News
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Can you hear that noise?

It's the sound of 3 other people quaking in their boots!


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In those debates with Clegg, Farage did rather well. He will probably do ok, but people might realise that not EVERYTHING is the fault of the EU. He will need to have answers about pay, defence, hospital waiting lists, pensions.
^All linked to Europe, aren't they.
Not necessarily Gromit. I think it is fair to say no one in their right mind thinks UKIP will be getting the keys to Number 10 so they dont really need a full answer on everything.

And, as pointed out, most roads lead back to Bruxelles if you want them to! would be interesting to find out what this chap, who is obviously well educated, thinks about UKIP's policy across the board, as he seems to be in favour of them.
I hope you are not implying that UKIP supporters/voters are uneducated any more than your'e average working class Labour supporter.
Good post Gromit.

I think its about time Farage was put on the spot and either admits that UKIP are a one-issue Party, as he has said publicly many times in the past, or they are a proper, grown up, fully-fledged political Party, with well-thought out policies in all the important areas. He either wants to be taken seriously or not.

A good live public debate, with his elected peers would help to see if he really is a serious politician or not. But is it fair to include him, ahead of him actually winning a seat for himself first ?
No of course I haven't retro, but Chili introduced this person and it would interesting to read his views.
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He didn't discuss them Mikey, he just said the immigration issue was his main point. He said enough is enough, there has to be a limit.
He also said that Labour wouldn't be targeting me, but they'll certainly target him.
As for the rest of UKIP policies they could copy either of the others and wing it, just as they do. As Farage said the other day, both Lab and Con have the same policy on Europe so why would he do a deal with either?
Labour and the Tories don't have the same policy on Europe though do they Chili ? The Tories have promised an in/out referendum, if they win next year and Labour have declared that they will not. Seems like a pretty clear difference to me.

But how far can Farage expect to go, if he hasn't made clear UKIP's policies on issues other than immigration and Britain's membership of the EU ?
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Of course they have the same policy, they both want to stay IN!
Perhaps Chili...perhaps. But there are anti-EU members of both Labour and the Tories lurking in the background.

I know I have said this before but one more time won't hurt. If so many people in Britain apparently want to leave the EU, then their best chance is to vote Tory, as this is the only party that has a chance of winning, that can also bring forward the legislation for a Referendum.
UKIP's policies, straight from the horse's mouth, for those interested, or is it much easier to state that they are a one policy party?
AOG. Their Manifesto seems quite extensive and sensitive to me. Don't suppose Mikey's read it!

Anyone else think the Labour Propagandist is beginning to sound a little concerned about UKIP?
To paraphrase Clement Attlee, Farage is merely articulating what the man on top of the Clapham omnibus is thinking, and this is what the established political élite don't like.

I agree that the rise of UKIP poses more danger to the Tories than Labour but do not understimate the damage it has to potential to do to Labour. It may come as a surprise to learn that many staunch Labour voters, especially in my area, are extremely right-wing, far to the right of the Tory party. For historical reasons they would never dream of voting Tory, but unlike the Tories UKIP are not tainted by the past, so they can support them without feeling they are betraying their roots.
Maybe it was reading his bible that did the trick
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But is it fair to include him, ahead of him actually winning a seat for himself first ?
You sound worried for your leader mikey!
//Also, will he be able to go for an hour without a cigarette, not to mention a light ale ?//

Can you remember Harold Wilson and Tony Benn, to name but two, puffing away merrily on their pipes in the TV studios? I can.
Would rather be stampled on by a herd of marauding goats than listen to any of them .Davy Cammers seems genuine wheres the goats.
// If so many people in Britain apparently want to leave the EU, then their best chance is to vote Tory, as this is the only party that has a chance of winning, that can also bring forward the legislation for a Referendum.//

You heard it here first, folks. Mikey says, "Vote Tory!"

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