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Clarkson Has A Speeding Ticket At Last.

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mikey4444 | 06:16 Sun 19th Oct 2014 | News
93 Answers

Doing 80 something in a 60 mph zone. Deserves everything he gets, although I expect he thinks its the nasty, unnecessary speed camera and not his dangerous driving that is at fault. What a twit !


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He's such a wally, he'll probably see it as a badge of honour. He has his fans though. Why? I despair !
07:10 Sun 19th Oct 2014
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Chili...we don't know what he was doing when he was caught by the camera, nor exactly where he was, other than on the M1 near Derby. But it doesn't matter...he was driving 20 mph above the local speed limit and 10 mph above the national limit. Its his bad example that I have the issue with. His defence is that "nobody died"....amazing arrogance.
>>He said it because.......that's what he does! He doesn't take himself seriously, it's a pity that so many other people do.
But you said 80 something in the OP mikey, so we've at least got a rough guesstimate.
Furthermore, the claim of dangerous driving in the OP is in fact a falsehood.
Your argument appears to be unravelling, I'll leave it there because as I said in my first post the attention you've given to this means it's obviously a very slow news day.
Lost the last bit of ^.

Exactly Jack. Spot on. Was about to write the same myself.
Did someone die?

Or is his response of 'I was only a couple of miles over being allowed to do the [course], it’s not catastrophic, nobody died' anything different from what anyone else in the same situation may have said?

If you don't like him, mikey, fair enough......but please don't try to belittle those of us who don't share your view.

So why did he say it in the first place ?

Ah, so you believe he also actually meant it when he said

"striking public sector workers should be shot" ?

Never one to let the facts get in the way of a good rant is Mikey!
I am always bemused by the crowd who turn out to slate JC and Top Gear, the hyperbole is feeding the media monster that Top Gear is.

If you don't like it stop feeding it.....
he may just have been unlucky. 60mph + M1 + "near Derby" suggests a section of smart motorway with illuminated variable speed signs. a few months ago, a colleague was doing 70mph along the same stretch of road when the signs illuminated virtually in his face at 50mph, he had no time to brake (and to have done so would have been suicidal) and he got flashed. When he protested the inevitable ticket, the response was "tough ***".
Concur with that totally Talbot.
As an NHS worker I took no offence whatsoever when he made that particualr comment because I took it in the correct context i.e. a dig at the ultra PC BBC.
Sadly, a lot of my colleagues did not possess the intelligence to realise that.
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"Doing 80 something in a 60 mph zone" was taken from the Mail article...I didn't make it up.

But if the authorities think that 60 mph is the upper safe limit in this location, then it must follow that 80 mph isn't safe and if it isn't safe, then it must therefore be dangerous.
He got a ticket for speeding.....NOT driving dangerously.
I agree , ecclescake. Perhaps mikey should take his own advice?

Mike on the Anjem Choudary thread.

He could have gone to live in a backward dictatorship at any time in the past...nobody is stopping him. He is just using this latest excuse to put his name in the papers. So lets stop giving him the oxygen of publicity.
07:07 Sun 19th Oct 2014Report
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So I take it jack, that you think driving at "80 something" in a 60 mph zone isn't dangerous ? That 80 something could be 81 or even 89. If you think that 20mph+ over the speed limit isn't dangerous, at what speed do you think it IS dangerous then ? You can decide perhaps and then act accordingly, like Clarkson ?
You're just being a bit daft, Mikey, it would appear that only one person on this thread has actually agreed with you!
"Doing 80 something in a 60 mph zone" was taken from the Mail article...I didn't make it up.
I didn't say you WERE making it up! You said:
Chili...we don't know what he was doing when he was caught by the camera

I pointed out to you that according to YOU in the OP that he was doing 80 something. Or are you going to deny typing that too?!?!
You're chasing your tail!
Don't make assumptions about what I do, or don't think.

I am commenting upon your 'twist' on this news-story. He was speeding and he was ticketed. He has made no excuses for it and I am content that he has been caught and punished, as I would be for anyone doing similar.

However, you have allowed your personal dislike of Clarkson to lead you into trying to whip up an outrage that simply isn't there.
But be fair, was clearly the best answer!
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Ummm...that is true, which leaves me to think that everybody else thinks it OK to dive at 80mph. Being popular doesn't really bother me...being right as I see it and saying so counts.
Even if he was doing 89, he'd know more about what to do if it went pear-shaped than your average driver!
You still haven't commented about the Hill and Hamilton paragraph I poppped in either, but then I didn't expect you to......

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