Looks Like Dave Was Wise Not To Don One Of These! in The AnswerBank: News
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Looks Like Dave Was Wise Not To Don One Of These!

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ToraToraTora | 10:27 Sun 02nd Nov 2014 | News
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Oh dear Ed, I think the wheels are comming off!
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Wise? More luck than judgement I suspect.
yeah in view of the allegations of slave labour and exploitation, I wondered if Eva Neiteist head girl of the feminists involved, was now known around the office as Eva Braun.
I doubt he was wise but it's a known fact that the path to hell is paved with good intentions, which is why before I support of condemn anything I bloody well research it well first. One good against one evil improves nothing.
Yes, he was wise. Sensible not to become involved in what are perceived to be populist initiatives. Ed, on the other hand, will do and say anything he thinks will ingratiate him with the electorate - whilst Clegg…. who?
VERY lucky not wise. Wisdom is something one can never associate with Cammy, or any politician for that matter.
Besides, I doubt if Sam Cam would allow him to wear one. !
they did ask and were given the wrong answer. The Fawcett Soc don't really have the money to send people out to investigate the manufacturers, unlike the Mail (who could have done it any time but only did it because Labour were involved).

But I don't imagine Cameron even asked, unless someone can point me to a report proving otherwise?

Can't see why Miliband would suppose supporting feminism would ingratiate him with the electorate; feminism's not a vote winner.
More likely a product of the Tory Dirty Tricks brigade (especially since they targetted Clegg also).

Hardly a case of the wheels comming [sic] off though.
Obviously the irony is lost on Left-wing geniuses.
One can now see what's behind Labour's mass immigration policy. they want sweat shops in this country producing their own t-shirts.
Harriet Harman didn't look too happy wearing hers.
Millibanb looked like a 5st weakiling,ardly tge body of Putin!

"Another incisive decision by our Leader!"
dave was completely unaware that there might have been an issue surrounding the manufacture of this t shirt, so he can hardly be given credit for refusing to wear one now can he ?

The rumor is that he didn't buy one because it would just have made more ironing for his missus.
Surely Ed Miliband is a plant.
I must say I'm glad it's backfired on Harriet Harman after her childish stunt of wearing one in the commons.
I think he didn't know anything about t-shirt's origin, fortuitous as far as he is concerned. I've been to Mauritius and, actually, 62p an hour translates as not-too-bad pay (can't give definition, but buying a skirt came out at about £1.50 or less when I was there in 2006). You get wads of Mauritian notes for £10.00. I. bought packets of saffron for less than £1.00 equivalent in the market.
I doubt Dave even considered the origin of these garments. He simply had the sense not to jump on the bandwagon of what the others perceived to be an opportunity for a bit of positive publicity.
I think he was smart enough to know that the photo of him wearing one of those t-shirts would just be used to ridicule him for years to come.
As it happens it's turned into a positive rather than just the avoidance of a negative.
wonder are there I never watch Downton abbey t shirts davy could wear
Dave might just have learnt from the lesson of Hague and the baseball cap.

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