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Farriercm | 11:01 Wed 05th Nov 2014 | News
30 Answers
Should Ex Pats be allowed to vote at the General election????


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So in fact a few Ex Pat votes could even elect the next Coalition Government.
My husband has lived in this country for getting on for forty years and paid his way and his taxes but he's never been allowed to vote in the general election only the locals .He's not allowed to vote in his own country as he no longer lives there so why should expats be allowed to vote when they no longer live here .
How would you allocate them to a particular constituency?
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Shaney, when you say this Country , do you mean the UK and if so why is
your Husband not allowed to vote in the UK???.
Yes, the French are able to vote in French elections no matter where they live so why not us. I would exclude those who are permanently resident in another country , but most expats just go for a year or so to work overseas.
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Blackadder, would their votes be recorded at their last known UK address??
Yes the UK farrier ,my husband is German and holds a German passport .
Blackadder they would be allocated to the constituency where they last lived in the UK or where they maintain a home to go back to.
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Shaney,if your husband is a UK resident I would have thought he would have been allowed to vote at a General Election, I am not sure of the law on this but I am surprised at what you are saying.
He might be a resident but he's still not allowed to vote !

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