Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Is It Racist For A Non Native American To Don A Feathered Headdress?
79 Answers
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/t vshowbi z/artic le-2821 242/Ell ie-Goul ding-s- Hallowe en-fanc y-dress -sets-r ace-row -critic s-sayin g-Nativ e-Ameri can-cos tume-no -differ ent-wea ring-bl ack-fac e.html
This just about sums them up, one has to ask, why do they continue to be so offended?
/// 'I never cease to be amazed at how easily people will take offence – and usually this is white, middle-class, Guardian-reading, sandal-wearing, politically correct do-gooders who are offended on someone else’s behalf. ///
/// The row comes just weeks after it was announced that Glastonbury will no longer allow Native American headdresses to be sold at festival outlets, in response to a petition. ///
This just about sums them up, one has to ask, why do they continue to be so offended?
/// 'I never cease to be amazed at how easily people will take offence – and usually this is white, middle-class, Guardian-reading, sandal-wearing, politically correct do-gooders who are offended on someone else’s behalf. ///
/// The row comes just weeks after it was announced that Glastonbury will no longer allow Native American headdresses to be sold at festival outlets, in response to a petition. ///
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http:// www.the sun.co. uk/sol/ homepag e/showb iz/biza rre/319 1211/Ja y-Kay-g ets-a-h ead-rus h.html
Where have they been?
Where have they been?
Hey - it was AOG who posted on this!
If he hadn't, I wouldn't have even thought of this. The point about AB is that we can submit questions and get answers. On this occasion, I doubt if we are best placed to answer.
Unless of course, we have any Native Americans or indeed, someone with a PhD in Native American studies who can help us.
Hey - it was AOG who posted on this!
If he hadn't, I wouldn't have even thought of this. The point about AB is that we can submit questions and get answers. On this occasion, I doubt if we are best placed to answer.
Unless of course, we have any Native Americans or indeed, someone with a PhD in Native American studies who can help us.
Naah, old hat, look at these guys:
http:// blog.or egonliv e.com/b ehindbe aversbe at/2008 /12/wor king_wo rking_4 .html
/// that it is an offensive and disrespectful form of cultural appropriation, that it homogenises diverse indigenous peoples, and that it perpetuates damaging, archaic and racist stereotypes. ///
Cultural Appropriation that homogenises diverse indigenous peoples??????????
Well that's a rather long about way of saying "RACISM"
Richard LittleJohn sums the whole thing up pretty well.
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/d ebate/a rticle- 2822804 /RICHAR D-LITTL EJOHN-s inger-a ccused- racism- wearing -Red-In dian-fa ncy-dre ss-idio ts-stop -childr en-play ing-Cow boys-In dians.h tml
Cultural Appropriation that homogenises diverse indigenous peoples??????????
Well that's a rather long about way of saying "RACISM"
Richard LittleJohn sums the whole thing up pretty well.
To be honest SP I'm not sure that simply being the race that is emulated gives anyone the right to decide if something is racist or not. I don't feel I'm the custodian of Jewish / Irish sensibility or that if I was I would necessarily be right just because I am of that descent.
Should we be offended by someone going to a fancy dress party as a 'Sweaty Rabbi' or even a member of the SS? do I have the right to be offended on behalf of every other Jewish 'heritaged' person? No I don't. I might personally find it in poor taste but I don't think that gives me the right to object to someone else wearing what they like in context. the same applies to Native american Indian wear and most other things of a similar vein imho.
Should we be offended by someone going to a fancy dress party as a 'Sweaty Rabbi' or even a member of the SS? do I have the right to be offended on behalf of every other Jewish 'heritaged' person? No I don't. I might personally find it in poor taste but I don't think that gives me the right to object to someone else wearing what they like in context. the same applies to Native american Indian wear and most other things of a similar vein imho.
Headdresses promote stereotyping of Native cultures.
The image of a warbonnet and warpaint wearing Indian is one that has been created and perpetuated by Hollywood and only bears minimal resemblance to traditional regalia of Plains tribes. It furthers the stereotype that Native peoples are one monolithic culture, when in fact there are 500+ distinct tribes with their own cultures. It also places Native people in the historic past, as something that cannot exist in modern society. We don’t walk around in ceremonial attire everyday, but we still exist and are still Native.
that's an extract from this link, not sure i think its racist but i can see his viewpoint
http:// nativea ppropri ations. com/201 0/04/bu t-why-c ant-i-w ear-a-h ipster- headdre ss.html
The image of a warbonnet and warpaint wearing Indian is one that has been created and perpetuated by Hollywood and only bears minimal resemblance to traditional regalia of Plains tribes. It furthers the stereotype that Native peoples are one monolithic culture, when in fact there are 500+ distinct tribes with their own cultures. It also places Native people in the historic past, as something that cannot exist in modern society. We don’t walk around in ceremonial attire everyday, but we still exist and are still Native.
that's an extract from this link, not sure i think its racist but i can see his viewpoint
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