Methyl, you are talking right out of your sphincter, bodyline bowling has not been permitted for years (read the definition above). However, bouncers are a legitimate delivery when used sparingly - they become ineffectual, by the way and, as such can end up way over the ropes - and taking into consideration where in the batting the player is positioned, this decided on by the umpires. Therefore, at school cricket and village, one might expect the first five or six to face bouncers, as I have had plenty of experience of, but not the bowlers coming out to bat.....
You are coached to use the willow in front of you or to duck, but keep your eyes on the cherry. Hughes was an incredibly talented player, knew what he was doing, but got this one wrong in turning away from the ball. It's an enormous shame and any cricketer's sympathies should be going out to his mates and family, transcending the traditional rivalry between the Poms and the Baggies and, so far, that seems to be happening.