Technology2 mins ago
Ukip Finance Irregularities Force Hamilton To Withdraw!
Neil Hamilton withdraws from Basildon selection process! http:// 1zQFPoo
It appears he was claiming expenses for staying at a flat which was apparently in his wife's name, though they both stay there. He is not really entering into the spirit of the process, and seems to be in it for how much money he can make (history repeating there). It would be interesting to know the amount of money involved. As it is, he appears to have made many...
11:26 Thu 11th Dec 2014
Err, dont you pick the best candidates to sit. Any whiff of scandal and all the haters of the 'Ghastly' UKIP would be out in force.
Even when they are trying to keep clean the 'Ghastly' UKIP haters are still out!!
UKIP has massively grown now, if you take your blinkers off and have a real unbiased look. This means a wider choice of candidate so they can avoid further accusation of being 'swivel eyed loonies' or other such derogatory terms. There is now no need to take a chance on someone and that is what they appear to be doing. Downside of that of course is less free advertising, but I'm sure the good old BBC will find something!
Oh -it did!
Even when they are trying to keep clean the 'Ghastly' UKIP haters are still out!!
UKIP has massively grown now, if you take your blinkers off and have a real unbiased look. This means a wider choice of candidate so they can avoid further accusation of being 'swivel eyed loonies' or other such derogatory terms. There is now no need to take a chance on someone and that is what they appear to be doing. Downside of that of course is less free advertising, but I'm sure the good old BBC will find something!
Oh -it did!
Good old Channel 4 News found something first...
http:// blogs.c hannel4 .com/mi chael-c rick-on -politi cs/expl ain-exp enses-u kip-dem ands-de tails-n eil-ham ilton/4 641
It appears he was claiming expenses for staying at a flat which was apparently in his wife's name, though they both stay there. He is not really entering into the spirit of the process, and seems to be in it for how much money he can make (history repeating there).
It would be interesting to know the amount of money involved. As it is, he appears to have made many enemis in the party (again, history repeating), and it may be a barrier to him becoming an MP again. Which is a good thing.
It would be interesting to know the amount of money involved. As it is, he appears to have made many enemis in the party (again, history repeating), and it may be a barrier to him becoming an MP again. Which is a good thing.
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Natasha Bolter? Never heard of her, Oxford University says!
http:// www.ind ependen /news/u k/polit ics/oxf ord-uni versity -reject s-natas ha-bolt ers-ppe -degree -claims -as-rog er-bird -ukip-s ex-scan dal-rol ls-on-9 917027. html
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