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Ebola Confirmed In Glasgow

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hc4361 | 18:47 Mon 29th Dec 2014 | News
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That's a shocker.


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Yes, it was likely to arrive at these shores at least once. The good news is that the outbreak in general seems to have been tailing off a bit. Or, at least, rising at a slower rate than before. Over the course of December so far only 2,700 new cases have been confirmed, compared with 4,500 in November. It seems that containment efforts are working.
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Must be worrying for the fellow passengers on the planes.

Hope (s)he makes a swift and full recovery
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She/he probably felt perfectly ok when she left Freetown, divebuddy.....until you go down with the illness, you are pretty low on the contagious factor.

See their going to spread it around a bit

///She has been isolated and is receiving treatment in the specialist Brownlee Unit for Infectious Diseases on the Gartnavel Hospital campus, but will be taken to the Royal Free Hospital in London.///
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Might need more than one ship.....
The thing you are missing is that you might just have a sniffle, but you are contained with other ebola suspects, some of whom will test positive for the disease.
I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It would be a very dangerous place to be.
I do think return flights should be chartered by the aid organisations involved though and that recent workers exposed to ebola should not travel with general air traffic.
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Glasgow going through a bad time at the minute unfortunately.
I agree, I just don't think containment, would help.
A ship is too confined and frankly barbaric.
Ebola does not operate Monday to Friday so any day you were on that ship you could become exposed to someone with ebola.
I wouldn't fancy that so my morals tell me I wouldn't want to inflict it on anyone else either.
The Royal Free Hospital successfully treated William Pooley for the disease earlier this year, and Pooley donated 1.2 litres of plasma for use on another patient or for research.
And it has now been reported that another case has been confirmed.

Totally agree with divebuddy they should be made to go into quarantine before coming to these shores, totally irresponsible, not only a risk to other passengers on the plane home but also their fellow travellers when they arrive back in the UK, then there is the trouble and expense of providing a military plane to transfer them bask to London.

aog - a 2nd person is being "tested" is all I have seen on the news
Bound to happen.

Dive buddy has the answer, well maybe not a ship, but at least a containment center until all clear.

This woman traveled on 3 separate planes. The News is not telling us clearly when she started suffering symptoms, lets hope it was well after traveling. If not we may well have a big problem. This is how you get an epidemic and allowing people who have been in contact with the disease to move around a country without it [the disease] is simply playing Russian Roulette.
Even pets have to be quarantined to prevent the spread of rabies.
Even in the worst-case scenario that she first started showing symptoms on the plane, there is minimal danger. The fact is that outside the three countries of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, there have been 35 cases only of Ebola in the world, and that number is mostly due to two small and soon-contained outbreaks in Nigeria and Mali. Empirically there has been no global spread of Ebola and little reason to expect this changing.

That Ebola has, finally, reached these shores is not really a surprise, but it's not really a threat either. If the total number of cases in the UK reaches double figures I'll be surprised.
Another suspected case in Aberdeen and another in Cornwall. Test results still awaited.

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