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He is now denying what he previously said, methinks Mr Blair speaks with forked tongue.
History would tend to confirm your thoughts. AOG.
If Labour are seen as left wing then those doing the viewing are very young indeed. A look back even a few decades should open their eyes.
The trick Blair pulled was convincing the City that Labour wouldn't mess with their greed. Same with Murdoch, he convince Rupert that his empire would be safe under a Labour Government.

The difference that Blair fails to grasp is that the bankers and Murdoch are very much tarnish goods. Rather than suck up to them, there might be more votes in atripping them down a peg. The public would not perceive it as left wing to legislate to tame the reckless bankers.
Don't know about Labour, now David Cameron,,,,,,

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Is Labour Too Left Wing To Win In May?

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