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How Is This A Good Use Of Police Time And Resources

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bazwillrun | 14:56 Mon 12th Jan 2015 | News
26 Answers

what an utter waste of time I see a quote from her majesties finest telling us how understaffed and short on resources they are I'll remember this....

what an absolute nonsense


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A storm in a D cup.
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Haha...yeah, silicone D-cup probably
They encourage outrageous behaviour for rating then don't take responsibility when one of their contestants gets *** and does something ?

I suspect the police are obliged to make an effort if a complaint is made. Especially of a very public aware incident.
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They starred out urinated ?!?
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I havent got a clue who either of these non entitys are but a quick search on the Lady shows she seems pretty quick to get her *** long as theres a chequebook involved !
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censored word "t|ts".....

If it goes to Court, I wonder how they will manage the Exhibits!
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"non entitys"

nonentities....damn predictive text

i just realised the subject matter and the censored word appear nicely in the middle !
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I'd like to be on the jury when it comes to weighing up the evidence !
She was completely over the top and in my opinion made a right twit of herself. He shouldn't have done what he did, but her reaction was ludicrous ! Can't see why the police are involved.
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Should we be making fun of such a serious matter....after all, the police are involved !
The allegations amount to sexual assault, which is a crime. Of course the police should investigate. Hopefully this won't be too hard a process, since presumably there is a decent amount of camera footage of the alleged incident.

///Cameras do not film in the toilet of the Big Brother house, but the aftermath of the row was shown in Saturday night's episode.///
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No pictures then?
Ah, well bang goes that theory.
Having looked at her photo,are we not sure that he was maybe trying to pop it back in?
^ LOL !

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