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Why Are Politicians Urged To Hide Their Atheism?

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ToraToraTora | 14:39 Mon 19th Jan 2015 | News
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I would have thought not believeing any of the brands of fairy tales would be a good thing for an MP.


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God only knows.
14:40 Mon 19th Jan 2015
To religious types, being of a different faith is bad, but being of no faith is a lot worse.

To me, pretending to have a faith when you haven't is deceitful. ideal MP meterial therefore.
I am unclear how my Councillors praying will improve their appraisal of my planning application for a kitchen extension?
Naomi - "andy-hughes, just out of interest, did you tell the church you were an atheist before your wedding?"

No I didn't.

We had a couple of informal talks with our priest, Father Tolkien, where I agreed that any children from our marriage would be raised Catholic, which I had no problem in agreeing with.

He never asked me if I believed in God, so I never volunteered the information that I don't.
Thanks for answering.
TTT - "All of your posts here support religion, ok answer one question, do you beleive in any deity?."

Mine doesn''t.
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Andy that was to AOG.
TTT - thanks for clarifying.

I, and I am sure all regulars, await AOG's next post with interest.

/// The term 'devout' indicates a deep-seated religious feeling, whereas atheism is the absence of such belief. ///

It also as other meanings, take your pick.

*** totally committed to a cause or belief. ***

That could mean totally committed to atheism.

"the most devout environmentalist"

the most devout atheist.

dedicated atheist

a committed atheist.

staunch atheist.

Got the gist? Take your pick of some others.

synonyms: dedicated, devoted, committed, loyal, faithful, staunch, genuine, firm, steadfast, resolute, unwavering, sincere, wholehearted, keen, earnest, enthusiastic, zealous, passionate, ardent, fervent, intense, vehement, active, sworn, pledged;

I have to disagree with your latest post.

Richard Dawkins = devout athiest

Me = casual athiest. I don't believe there is a God in the traditional sense, but I'm more of a 'shrugging athiest' than a 'banner-waving atheist'.

I'd wager that most athiests don't actively even think about it.
AOG, atheism is not a tenet – it’s a complete absence of belief. Nothing. Zilch.
I'm with sp1814 on this - religion, or lack of it, hardly ever crosses my mind.

Even when I attend Mass, which I do every Sunday, I don't sit there thinking that it is a load or rubbish, or that I am a hypocrite for attending.

I enjoy singing, and the inclusive social atmosphere, and I am perfectly willing to accept that the people around me believe in God, and I do not, but it presents no conflict in my mind at all - I get het up about things far closer to home - like religious intolerance!
On the odd occasion that I go to church, I sit there listening and I can't help thinking it's a load of old rubbish.

I think most people who are atheists cannot be described as 'devout', because Athiesm takes no actual effort.

To be a committed Christian or an ardent railway enthusiast you have to do something, whereas...

...whereas I realise we have wandered down a semantic dead end.

Back to TTT's question...I personally would be less l(but not definitely) inclined to vote for someone with strong religious convictions unless I could be sure that those convictions did not preclude them from exercising their role to serve their WHOLE constituency.

If they couldn't, then that would be an issue for me.
Good point andy_hughes.

I don't believe in God, but if my local church held services that wereanything like Madonna's video for 'Like a Prayer', I'm pretty sure I'd be up there with freshly polished rosary beads every Sunday.

To a certain extent yes, I am not deeply religious, but a question I would ask all atheist, how do you know there is no god?

In my very long years on this Earth I have witnessed the decline in religious beliefs in this country, along with the decline in the standards of behaviour and morals, and if it was religious beliefs in the past that prevented such behaviour then I am all for that.
"a question I would ask all atheist, how do you know there is no god? "

But there, in a nutshell, is the mistake many people make. Atheists don't "know there is no god". Rather don't believe that there is one. There is a massive difference between these two positions.
AOG - "... and if it was religious beliefs in the past that prevented such behaviour then I am all for that."

I doubt it.

Immoral people will be so, regardless of any supposed strictures inflicted by adherence to a faith system.

With the exception of paedophile priests of course, who merely revel in their ability to behave as they wish, unimpeded by the normal behaviours that govern those of us who do not live such an unnatural existence.
I attended church recently for a Christening ceremony. The Vicar talked a lot about the Great British Bake off. It was most odd. I expect he was trying to be inclusive and relevent to his congregation, but as an atheist observer, it just seemed utterly bonkers.
If, as I believe, there is no god, merely oblivion, then I will be right, but unaware that I am right.

If there is a God, he will accept my repentance and welcome me into his heaven.

I believe that is known as a 'win win' situation.
Rather, they* don't believe that there is one. Although that said, some atheists would go further and say that they know there is no God. Such people are wrong, as you can't know something like that, but most atheists would take the position that they think there isn't one, or don't think that there is one.

P.S ty for best Answer TTT.

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