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What Would You Like To Ask The Leader Of The Opposition?

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ToraToraTora | 14:46 Mon 02nd Feb 2015 | News
12 Answers
I think it's fair to balance AOG's question.


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Why can't you cope with a Bacon Sarnie?
Why don't you step down and allow your brother back into the running for party leader?
Yes TTT fairs, fair, but I wonder if the Guardian will be inviting Mr Miliband onto it's website?
Hi Edward the Jedward,

Why is your Opposition team populated by a bunch of lacklustre, talentless, charmless smarmy gits?
Has your Missus been into Number Ten yet, to measure up for curtains ?

/// Has your Missus been into Number Ten yet, to measure up for curtains ? ///

It will be 'CURTAINS' for the whole country if your party ever gets back in again.
AOG...quite funny ! We should be a double act...I could feed you the lines and you could make the jokes !

The thought of a Labour Government is not even remotely funny!
It's Labour + S.N.P. that really, really worries me.
who will be in no10 ED - you or Alex?

/// Why? ///

Have you forgot the 13 disastrous years under the Blair/Brown government?

And way before that there was the 'Winter of Discontent' under the Callaghan Government, but surprisingly enough according to this article, under the duo of Blair and Brown things were much worse than under Callaghan

/// But I would also argue that, for all the miseries of the Winter of Discontent, he caused far less long-term damage to Britain than his two Labour successors in the highest office, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. When Callaghan departed in 1979, the mess that his government left was reversible, as Margaret Thatcher heroically demonstrated. But, tragically, the same is not true today. Blair and Brown, the twin architects of New Labour, altered the fabric of our country forever, through their ideological attachment to mass immigration. During their 13 years in power, they brought a social revolution whose pace of change is still accelerating. ///

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What Would You Like To Ask The Leader Of The Opposition?

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