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How Will The Septics Get Decent Chocolate Now?

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ToraToraTora | 08:50 Thu 05th Feb 2015 | News
36 Answers
I know a few americans that love British chocolate and I have in the past even ordered some for them. So Hershey have managed to block imports to avoid "brand confusion" - really? Land of the free! PMSL! Will we see Bootleg chocolateers?


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Perhaps macburgers should be banned in Europe as they could(possibly) be confused with real hamburgers.
Once they get British chocolate they will start wanting gun controls, a health service and who knows what else? possibly even a proper democracy!
Via the Net, send in plain brown paper parcels.

But to be honest most "British" chocolate is for day to day snack eating (if not on the diet). Traditionally Switzerland or Belgium, they tend to specialise in the luxury stuff.
I used to bring curly wurly's by the dozen to friends in North America when I went visiting -will I now get stopped at customs and get strip searched if they smell chocolate?
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apparently British "cholcolate" is not actually chocolate according to the rules etc but it is a lot nicer than the hershey *** the septics have.
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I must say I'm with 1ozzy on this.
Wasn't ttt moaning about being labelled a 'plonker' the other day?
It's a bit poor using these unfunny terms in the actual question title!
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they are not derogatory terms ozzy, do you go round looking for things to whine about? The use of Rhymming slang is common and not intended to be derogatory. I am quite happy to be termed a limey if it makes you feel better.
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I have never moaned about being labelled anything ichteria, go and look.
As chocolate goes, Cadbury's, the British stuff is pretty vile. I have had Herseys and that is even more vile.

I suppose this is a result of Keaft buying Cadbury's and then distrubuting the brand and products to different markets.

The ex pats should integrate more into American society. They have emigrated, they shouldn't be biying British, they should be buying local.
Of course it's derogatory.
For me that isn't really the whole point: I had no idea what 'septics' were and I am sure many others don't either.
So the question manages to be obscure to many as well as rude.
I apologise ttt it was someone else complaining on your behalf.
Nonetheless ...
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Well I thought it was a typo and the OP meant skeptics -then couldn't understand why that word was used. Its only derogatory to those who understand cockney rhyming slang which the average American would not know.
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I'm afraid that, for a society that thinks Monterey jack cheese is just brilliant, there's no hope whatsoever....

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