A week or two ago, when discussing Muslim attitudes towards women, I suggested they were seen as child bearing chattels. Some respondents disliked this response. There was no doubt in my mind then that I was correct and even less now. This report is not from some “Right Wing swivel-eyed loonies” (a popular tem at the moment) but Amnesty International.
“The proposed laws will entrench discriminatory practices and set the rights of women and girls in Iran back by decades.”
So, back to about 1397, then.
“Increasing the population by encouraging indigenous births is better than our increasing it by letting in millions of immigrants. We coyld learn from them.”
No we couldn’, Gromit. The Iranian leadership wants to double the country’s population. No nation needs an ever increasing population (certainly not the UK and positively no country on the scale Iran is proposing). Nations need to find a way to manage with, at worst, a level population but preferably with one showing a small and steady decline.