Naomi - //andy-hughes, Nothing patronising about it. I am being serious. You’ve made it abundantly clear that my posts on this subject are of no value to you so I won’t waste my time. My previous answer stands. //
I asked you a serious question, you decided to be sarcastic, and now you have decided to be rude as well.
I have not 'made it clear that your research is of no value', I have questioned its origins and asked for some expansion, which you now decline to offer. That simply adds to my suspicion that you are speaking of something which you know as little as I do – without admitting it.
If your research matches your attitude, then you are right, it is valueless, so I will seek answers from someone who can in the spirit of the question asked, and the spirit of the site.
If you are a Christian, maybe you should ‘research’ helping others to learn, something you appear to have missed.