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Another Step To A Cashless Society?

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youngmafbog | 13:39 Fri 13th Mar 2015 | News
3 Answers
Heartbeat Could Replace Online Banking Password

A bracelet has been developed by a Canadian firm which it claims is more secure than other biometric proofs of identification.

But how long before some villain cracks this one?


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I don't think this is anything to do with cash. It is a method of doing away with passwords for internet banking as I understand it.
The cardless society is alreay here.

I bought an iPod Shuffle from the apple shop last week without money or a card or being served by a person.

Got the iPod off the shelf myself. Whipped out iPhone, opened Apple's store app, read the packaging bar code, confirmed purchase with my fingerprint, and I walked out of the store.
See how easy it is to spend without really realising it ? No need to top up what is in your pocket, you don't register how much is going, until the statement comes in or you check over the Net. And that's not taking into account security issues either.

A phone is simply not a wallet. It's a potential pitfall into debt though.

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Another Step To A Cashless Society?

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