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Will This Bite Him In The Backside In A Few Months?

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youngmafbog | 15:26 Mon 16th Mar 2015 | News
25 Answers

I can quite see where he is coming from but he is either very brave or very foolish.

It is most likely that neither Tory or Labour will get sufficient for an overall majority meaning one of them will have to get into bed with someone.

Will Miliband weasel out of this pledge with an 'informal' agreement? I think that could damage the labour party for a long time to come if he did.


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Unfortunately that option is no longer available to a PM unless two thirds of the house vote for dissolution or the government loses a vote of confidence.
Or the incoming administration proposes to repeal the preposterous Fixed Term Parliament Act and it is passed in the House by a simple majority. (Some chance).

The Act was introduced to appease the LibDems and to assure them of at least one full term interfering with government. Thankfully it looks like being their last for some time to come.
There is a Private Member's Bill going through parliament at the moment to repeal said Act but it has little chance of success.
Cameron made a serious error of judgment in 2010. He should have done a Wilson; head a minority government, dare the Commons to vote him down and have a snap election at a time of his own choosing.
A Bill to repeal the fixed term Parliament has little chance this side of an election, but the mix will be entirely different after May. It will probably be in every ones interest after May to have another election ala 1974.

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