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Bazile | 09:59 Tue 07th Apr 2015 | News
8 Answers
Is this a case against the death penalty ?

I cannot imagine what it must have felt like waking up each morning for 30 years knowing that you have been incarcerated for something you did not do



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yes, it was injustices that were the main factor in ending capital punishment in the UK.
There have been a few cases like this in recent years. There are a few where the police actively framed a person to ensure a conviction.

Wiki is a good starting point.


The death penalty is always an emotive subject, but is waking in jail every day for something you did not do a toture?

So what is the answer, short sentences for murderers so they can commit their crime again.

Hang on - what have we got in the UK ......
He was interviewed on Radio Four this morning and a man from the group that helped him win his release said there were 151 other cases where the sentence had been overturnt. That's 152 folk from a large number in gaol since 1973 but it is 152 who would have been wrongly executed.

YOUNGMAFBOG, releasing murderers early to commit more crimes is not the answer but there possibly 152 murderers who have (or had) not been caught and how many of them went on to commit more crimes or murders?

Lord Kilmuir ( bless! ) was against scrapping hanging because capital punishment had no appeal. er yeah

The nail in the coffin in England was the slow acceptance that the great majority ( not the Balcombe street gang ) of the convicted irish terrorists had nothing to do with the offences they were convicted of - and in some cases the police were or should have been aware

( The oz barman who gave one of the Guildford four an alibi, - he was drinking in a pub in Kilburn - was deported without trial for assisting a terrorist. You can get down from Kilburn to Guildford within the time allowed but but the police could only do it on a sunday afternoon and with a blue light..... )
excuse me YMF can you tell me what the re-conviction rate is ?

or is murder basically a one-off crime ?
Many thousands of innocent people have been executed over the years in the USA alone. Overwhelmingly poor and black who can not afford lawyers.
One of the best arguments against the death penalty.

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