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Integration Islamic Style

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retrocop | 21:48 Tue 21st Apr 2015 | News
74 Answers
Yet another demonstration of our moderate Islamic guests non- acceptance of a democracy that the country they opted to live in promotes.
Why don't they just Bog off.?


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Yes quite so, OG. But it is not their right to post intimidatory messages on lamp posts in a district where they know there are many Allah-fearing people around. This strategy is not the same as persuading people to vote for a particular candidate. This is designed to frighten people into refusing to use their vote as it is contrary to a supposed belief. The...
22:47 Wed 22nd Apr 2015

/// Our resident Muslim population are not "guests". ///

No they are not as far as I am concerned, I never invited them here.
Ah, AP back with the usual bile.

Islam does not want to integrate; ultimately the aim is to take over the world.

End of.

youngmafbog - //Islam does not want to integrate; ultimately the aim is to take over the world. //

Apart from extremist behaviour - which exists in all faiths all around the world - do you have any real factual basis for that statement?
Read the Koran, andy.
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//"Where have you been living recently" - erm, I live in a suburban area of London with a high muslim population and have mixed conversed with many.//

Oh and I don't live in a suburb of London with a over high muslim population.
No .I live three miles down the road from the largest mosque in Europe. Morden.The only conversation I have witnessed in the area between Muslims and white British is to warn them they are entering a Sharia No Go Area and couples must not hold hands,or kiss,carry alcohol or women dressing inappropriately. Oh I forgot .They also illegally affix posters to street furniture to advertise their law in my country.
I for one am sick to death of the reverse discrimination I encounter in this country and of muslims in this country who think they have a God given right (or should that be a Mohammed the Prophet given right?) to make demands in the name of their religion and get them.
There are already several Sharia courts in this country - they think that their law should take precedence over the law of the land.
There are numerous areas in this country which are 'no go' areas for whites. A recently deceased relative lived in the same house in Dewsbury all his life and he ended up being the only white for miles around. For the last few years of his life he didn't dare venture out on his own and was terrorised on a regular basis
I have two personal bugbears. Throughout their schooling my kids were made to go on an annual trip to a mosque as part of their R.E. Their packed lunch boxes were searched to make sure they had no food which would offend muslims. I do not know of one single muslim who has ever gone to a C. of E./Catholic church/synagogue as part of their education. Reverse discrimination at work again.
My second point is that their are numerous muslims who have received donor organs. Muslims are allowed to go on the organ donor register - one of their religious leaders told me this and said that the Koran says muslims have a duty to help others. Do you know how many Muslims have donated organs after their death in recent years? None.
I am also sick to death of muslim taxi drivers trying to convert me to Islam.
I too wish they would all bog off.
Rant over ....I shall now go lie down in a darkened room with a stiff drink.
Svejk - //Read the Koran, andy. //

I would no more be convinced by reading the Koran than I am reading the Bible, the Tora, or any religious tract.

Religion is about interpretation by individuals - as it always has been, and always will be.

If you want to find words to back up you being a nice person, they are there, and if you want to find words to back up you being a murderous fanatic, they are also there.

My point is, that apart from extremists, which are found in every faith, where is the evidence that Muslims want to 'take over' anywhere?

And I am discounting right-wing Western media sources who like to push buttons to sell papers.
You clearly have no understanding of the difference between muslims/Koran and other religions/holy books, andy.
Doesn't stop you diving in with both feet to defend them at every opportunity. Still, that's your prerogative. We live in a free world, for now.
“Yet another demonstration of Daily Mail **** stirring.”

So the Mail stuck the posters up so it could report the matter then, AP? Or are you saying that such stories should not be aired in the national press for fear of causing “offence”?

“When will people like you finally understand that not all muslims are terrorists?”

Very true. Nobody on here (as far as I can see) suggested that they are. But all terrorists of late seem to be Muslims.

Similarly nobody here is suggesting that all Muslims go around encouraging people not to vote. But some do and every time Muslims are exposed for some heinous crime everybody in their “community” is shocked to pieces. “I cannot believe they would do such a thing. He was always a pillar of our community. He was a peace loving man who just wanted to get on with his life” And so it goes on.

Unfortunately however it is interpreted Islam is incompatible with many aspects of life in the UK. As far as I can recall we have never had widespread voter intimidation in the UK (with the possible exception of Northern Ireland during the so-called “Troubles” – i.e. a period of murder, maimings, torture and kidnappings). Until recently, that is. The Tower Hamlets matter has already been raised (and is still making its stately progress through the courts). This episode is voter intimidation and rather than simply pull down the posters the authorities should undertake investigations to find out who is at the bottom of it. No doubt they will turn out to be “peace loving family individuals” and everybody who knows them will be so surprised at their activities. And that’s the trouble.
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I don't expect the peace loving Immans could actually input something useful to our community could they. After morning prayers they could say,"Right you lot.On your way out pick up your flip flops and the scrubbing brushes and buckets we provide you with and go and clear up the mess your wayward brothers have made in our adopted country."
Back to bed retro and have another dream!
[[[So the Mail stuck the posters up so it could report the matter then, AP?]]]

Don't be crass, someone of your purported intelligence MUST know how abominably provocative the Mail is - over and above all of the other tabloids.
Hello Mr G!
"No they are not as far as I am concerned, I never invited them here"
...does that include the ones that were born here, and their parents who were born here too, and their grandparents...
Send them all home eh?! ...Bradford, Birmingham, Tower Hamlets etc LOL
Ah Mr Bog, retorting back with the usual hate filled dogma.
"end of" ...shmend of!
Svejk - //You clearly have no understanding of the difference between muslims/Koran and other religions/holy books, andy. //

Your point is a valid one, but it does not negate my point - it is not the texts, it is the interpretation that makes the difference.

Like the song says, guns don't kill people, rappers do!
Catholic kiddy fiddling eh? Muslims are the main paedos today.
AnswerPrancer, here's another report of "do not vote" poster placing, this time reported by the BBC:-

Can I therefore invite you, answerprancer, to loudly denounce the BBC as nothing but a bunch of **** stirrers?
AFAIC *all* media is *** stirring to a greater or letter degree (and that includes the Guardian for those who assume I espouse it) it's just that the DM has a proven track record of doing it the most and worst.
Retro - //Right you lot.On your way out pick up your flip flops and the scrubbing brushes and buckets we provide you with and go and clear up the mess your wayward brothers have made in our adopted country." //

Perhaps they would follow a good example - all the drunken morons released from a night in the cells who go and brush up all their vomit and blood of the weekend streets of their 'own' country.
You chose to denounce the Mail on this issue, AP, when it is quite clear that the matter has been reported widely in other organs, some of them not so well known for their Muslim-bashing extremism.

Quite why you should choose to shoot that particular messenger is a bit hard to fathom. Whoever reports it, I don't think there is much doubt that the posters were pasted up. It is a legitimate concern of people in the UK that in some areas the electorate’s right to vote unhindered and without intimidation is under threat. There have been widespread reports of intimidation at polling stations and postal vote “pooling” in Tower Hamlets (coincidentally another area with a high concentration of Muslim residents). Nobody is saying that all Muslims share these views and practices. But a significant number of them do and, as they say, “great oaks from little acorns..” and all that.

I have seen no indication in any of these reports that investigations are under way to establish who is behind this and, if necessary, launch a criminal investigation. This is not unexpected as with all such matters the authorities must “tread carefully”. And once again that is a worry.
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I couldn't agree more with you but then I am not the one who is condoning that behaviour am I.
To agree with the unacceptable behaviour of these bill stickers tell us what sort of person that is.
The Nazi fascists had a penchant for bill sticking. You know "Juden Raus"
No sensible person condoned that so why should AP condone fascism, Islam style, by them dictating if we can exercise our democratic right in our own country?
That is a negative demonstration by Islamists and I have yet to see a positive one. Clearing up their mess they created might be getting half way there.

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