New Judge
I am aware that there are certain religious edicts that I don't agree with.
I believe that the mechitza (as stated earlier) operates to separate men from women and as with this crazy edict in Islam, I personally don't approve of it. But what is my opinion worth here?
There are loads of religious rules that I don't understand. But as long as they don't affect me - I find it difficult to jump on the outrage train.
For instance, you have to be in possession of a penis to become a Catholic priest.
Heaven knows why.
But as I said before - on AB, we (lefties, if you will) are constantly chided by neo-cons for speaking on behalf of minorities.
Perhaps the same should be true here?
I honestly don't understand these rules, because I grew up in a fundamentally atheist household.
But in answer to your question - yes, I think it would be outrageous to suggest separation based on race...but that's not what we're talking about...
What you would have to do, is ask the women at the meeting, "Do you feel outraged at this? Do you feel that you are being treated badly?"
Rather than assuming you know what they think, and how they feel. Indeed - it might surprise you to know that they might actually WANT to be separated from the blokes.
I don't know the answer to that question...and I'm not about to guess it either.